Biden to FUND Police With $32bn to Prevent Midterms Bloodbath

>Joe Biden's 2023 budget proposal includes $32 billion to fight rising crime in the U.S., according to two White House officials, despite years-long calls from the progressive wing of his party to defund police.

>Massive crime spikes, particularly in cities, are one issue that could threaten Democrat's majority in the upcoming midterm elections. Republicans are effectively branding the issue as widely Democrat-caused due to calls to abolish police and rhetoric against law enforcement in general.

Democrats know they don't have to appeal to progressives because their votes are automatically secured because of the successful demonization of Republicans. Will this work for them? You may be surprised like in 2020.

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Hope he gets sued for buying votes

>Noooo we could have spent that money on Zion Don's $500 billion gibs program!

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I'm voting for democrats in my state this year. I don't know what people thought I meant by accelerate, but democrats are obviously the chaos candidate. They have no idea what they're doing and I love it. Things can't continue like they are without revolt of some kind, which is exactly what I want.

Cope and seethe, /ptg/.

>Hope he gets sued for buying votes

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Thing is in your lifetime and mine nothing will happen, there will be no collapse just more frog boiling. Do what you want it doesn't really matter.

Almost as if the goal all along was to federalize policing and take away more state powers.

>Here's $32 BILLION Cops!

>Biden to FUND Police With $32bn to Prevent Midterms Bloodbath
But all that cash is going to get used against Democrat voters only....I don't think this is going to save him from a 'bloodbath" maybe he'll get a Blood's Bath instead?

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Its either that, or not vote at all.

Blumpfers are just seething because its going to fund police in blue states. They were fine with one horse towns getting surplus MRAPs.

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Very true, they are the same Bush / Obama era politicians who have done nothing to understand the political climate and people today. Puppets who are completely out of touch, only getting their information from consultants and think tanks.

Why would anyone like Joe for this? It was his party that took it away in the first place. Every blue city is a homeless abyss. People are being shot every other day outside Amazon's HQ and that's the safest part of Seattle, which used to be nice. Crime is up 75% then 85% and we're on track for 2022 being up another 90%.

A bill to maybe fund police as much as they were in 2019 isn't good enough. Record numbers of cops have already died and no one that was fired is coming back. The democrats and their astonishingly insane policies have ruined the country. Democrat supporters love to roll their eyes at how LA and SF don't represent them, but it's also Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, San Hose, New York, Austin, Boulder, Portland, Austin, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, and San Antonio, and San Diego.

Every one was blue in the last election, and most of them have democrats at every level of their government or at critical positions decriminalizing things and defunding police. This is every 1st and second tier city in the US. And some 3rd tier and they are all shit now. There is not one nice high population city left in the US.

Nigger crime is out of control.

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What you think Democrats and Republicans are different ?

They are all placed there by the people that really run the show.


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All you have to do is watch Boardwalk Empire.
Politicians do the bidding of the people who pay them.

the 60iq wignats still failing to understand that GOP nigger pandering exists to appeal to faggot whitoids more so than niggers themselves.

too late.
too much damage has been done.
nothing will save them.

his admin just fucks everything up.

>Democrat's majority
what the fuck is this^ democrates no long have a majority it over for democrates its over for american politics.

Liberals like what they're told to like and love every inch of it.

>its going to fund police in blue states
Meaning no Republicans will ever be touched by Joe Biden's newly funded jackbooted militarized police force.
I stand by my statement that this will backfire on Joe

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>nigger police army

def going to be some shooting going on this time. flip flop hunting nigger pigs.

why would money fix it? the problem is no one is going to enforce the law if that means going to jail for offending a sheboon. More equipment and plods is not going to change that.


People are already freaking out over food prices.
I was at a Circle-K today and three people said something about the price of candy bars.
$2.63 and that's not for the King Size ones.

Who knows what the straw that breaks the camels back will be.

Chanting "defund the police" is not at all what has caused the increase in crime.
The increase in crime was caused by:
1. Making more crimes an unjailable offense.
2. Turning more felonies into misdemeanors
3. Turning more misdemeanors into non-crimes (despite obviously being a crime, like shoplifting)
4. Releasing criminals from jail/prison early
5. Not thoroughly prosecuting criminals in the first place

How many stories have we seen about people who have been arrested multiple times for multiple offenses and they are still out on the street "pending trial" ???

>giving into what the devil wants instead of what God wants
Yeah, that's a no from me. If white boomers want America destroyed then the politicians should be trying to sway them against it.

I'm not even a boomer and I remember getting 4 regular candy bars for $1.


intelligent leaf is intelligent

between that and filling up a Ford F150
pain has arrived. Our weekly food bill is up from $100 to $165
I'm just buying Bitcoin with every paycheck and if it goes off I'm out.

Do you think Biden is funding the police to fight the inevitable rise in crime due to costs going up that his administration caused? I think this is a part of it.

>budget for 2023
>crime will go down right after republicans take back both houses of congress
On par with the level of strategy that’s been coming out of this administration so far.

Also, niggers

As someone who was working towards police work pre pandemic, they also took away any protection you once had and any internal systems in place to promote your own safety over life in prison. No way is it worth being the meat grinder that's going to be the transitional period we're in now.
Beautiful how "republican super military cops bad!" will become "but we need mine sweeper trucks because of right wing election terrorism!".

Who knows,it could be. I wouldn't put anything past these fuckers.
Everyday it's some new bullshit while I pay $100 a week for gas. ugh

Someone should tell progressives that this will give over 45,000$ per law enforcement employee in the US.

biden is not my president. i am more presidential than joe biden. they should all be forcibly removed and improvised by the constitution

oh in that case all is forgiven 4 more years dementia joe

>federal takeover of state and local police
this was the entire point of "defund the police" all along

>forget the politicians. Theyre there to make you think you have a choice. You dont. You have no choice, you have owners and they own you. They own this entire country

Giving 32b to ultra pozzed PDs with diversity hires everywhere and apes in authority positions will do literally nothing and perhaps exacerbate the existing problems

Does anyone remember non-militarized police ?
Just the cop walking around on his beat, always available to help?
I guess transforming into a low-trust society killed the 'To serve" part.
inawoods is looking better everyday