Why does this offend Any Forums

>I don't care about Zoggywood
Can't stop talking about this
>The nigger was chimping out
Says the ones who also say you must defend your women at all costs

Why does this offended you user, why isn't it based?

Attached: 20220328_081049.jpg (589x665, 229.2K)

>hollywood niggers do a preplanned slap
>shitskins can't get enough
>kikes run 6 gorillion slide threads


Shut the fuck up mutt and stop posting this cringe slapstick. Stop shitting up the board faggot.

imagine touching a nigger

Doesn't offend me at all. Typical chimp behaviour...

Attached: punchable face tbh.png (1038x559, 730.02K)

Obsession with celebrity and celebrity culture is a strong indicator of low IQ. Checks out that faggot OP is all about it.

It's not a slide it's a legitimate question, why are you incel chuds so pissed over a man defending his wife. This is peak chadness, this is something a 19th century white male would do, albiet less niggardly.

Is that why all the top threads are about this? I'm literally asking why you faggots even care.

It is a slide thread. Die kike filth.

>Doesn't like being less alpha than a nigger
You're triggered over the ape's display of alphamale behavior.

>Said wife has fucked every other man in existence except you and brags about it.
>Treats you like utter dog shit
Just because she is your wife doesn't mean she is entitled to respect if she is a complete asshole.

Also sagerino

>Is that why all the top threads are about this?
Either newfag or kike. Either way, fuck off with your shit thread

>pre planned slap from actors
>somehow is defending his wife
>Hollywood pedophiles
Nigger garbage and you kikes are going to fill the board up all week with this.

>leftist kiked up pet niggers do something
>leftist faggots mince on over to Any Forums to makes posts about it
>regular users reee about normie fagposts
>leftist faggots make more posts about it
>more reee

You’re all retarded and deserve to be castrated and yoked for labor.

Then stop replying faggot, you're the normie cunt that can't stop talking about some famous nigger. Had I not come on Any Forums today I wouldn't have even know this would have happened you autist.

he let some young buck fuck her and did nothing though, you silly fat mong.
i know you bunkertroons/plebbitors are into that stuff but he was clearly seething about it.

You're another retard.

I didn't even know that.

Shut the fuck up you disingenuous kike. The only (((people))) talking about this are you shills. Fuck off. It goes in all fields.

Genius level projection kike filth

well now you do, does that change your opinion?

what if likes being a cuck? If he defends a wife that cheated on him, it means he likes being a cuck

>why isn't it based?
1. Nobody actually believes Will Smith has balls
2. Chris Rock didn't deserve that for a joke 1000x less offensive than anything Gervais said
3. That cunt wasn't worth defending
4.The whole production appeared to be nothing but nogs, so this shit was inevitable
5. Hollywood is retarded and nobody really cares about it