Showing the Z sign is now illegal in some german states because it stands for an illegal offensive war

>showing the Z sign is now illegal in some german states because it stands for an illegal offensive war

Attached: z-101__v-videowebm.jpg (512x288, 21.18K)

I paint Zs on cars with spraypaint or with ducttape so other NPCs attack it.
So far I ruined multiple Audis, Mercs and BMWs.
I also make small Zs on peoples mailbox and their doors.
You cant stop me

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I thought it stood for Zoroark

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Nice honeypot thread you got there
Trying to convict people for conspiracy of being German?

germans are only allowed to support wars for the glory of israel

Tell me again I am wrong hating Germans and rooting for our replacement.
Fuck any and all germans.

based and redpilled

Attached: zálohované_fľaše_plechovky_označenie.jpg (1024x527, 56.49K)

Weißt du was ich jetzt tue, ich kaufe mir einen guten Edding mit einer dicken Stiftspitze, und mal bei meinen abendlichen Spaziergang über all große Zs hin. Auf Briefkästen, Türen, etc.

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my nickname by everyone I know is literally just "Z" because of my last name, fuck this gay earth

I love germany so much like you wouldn't believe.

based Russian chad indirectly raping germans like you raped our grandmothers back in ww2

Based Arabs are much more civilized than Germans. A demographic replacement would indeed constitute a major improvement.

>Based Arabs are much more civilized than Germans.
Literally every demographic is better than Germans. Every European agrees
I would prefer Europeans to replace us but even arabs and africans are still better than germans.

Based and chaos pilled.

dangerously based

Nah, I'm 100% german. 185cm, blond, blue eyes... I just hate the majority of our country and like to troll them.


>the letter "Z" is illegal

How can a war be illegal? Or what makes the war legal?

Only those who are insecure about their origin would try to prove it in such a way.
You are not really a german if you need to state that you are blonde and have blue eyes.

>I just hate the majority of our country
Every European hates Germans. I just kinda assumed you were Russian because you were doing a chad move expressing hate for Germans

Attached: zpepereichstag.jpg (305x302, 98.01K)

Based and Z-pilled.

Yeah let’s forbid alphabet letters, I hope the Russian Army will use A-Y as well

The construct calls law.


Poke fucker

>illegal war

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Turn the golems and their programming against viscid urbanites

It's actually quite simple, goy;
Wars we start are legal
Wars anyone else starts are illegal

(also fighting back in any war we start is illegal)

Thank you for your inquiry :)

Attached: mcdonalds!.jpg (1232x960, 136.68K)

kek what is that pic?

Cite the relevant law then

kek bazed.

>Z is removed from the Alphabet soup

According to the UN Charter, the usage of armed forces without permission of the Security Council is illegal (we all had a good laugh there). In practice, everyone ignores it calls wars "special operations", "peacekeeping", "humanitarian intervention", "preemptive defense", etc.

It's a real slide from a real patent filed by Sony to make tv commercials interactive. Like mixing captcha with propaganda. Just imagine:
>click all the lives that matter
>select all the women


Attached: 81BglVnsU+L.jpg (1960x2560, 415.39K)

Very female, and hissy-fit-ish. Sorry German bros, for not allowing you to free yourselves.

holy based

No you didn't. But, good idea, I hope you do it now to make up for it.

What do we replace the letter ‘Z’ with? I can’t look at this letter any more, it triggers me too much.

Attached: C73341EB-7D4D-41C1-8DF8-DE446FF82646.jpg (995x1221, 160.25K)

Ant Z

Attached: 3544.jpg (300x450, 29.92K)


Attached: zorro.jpg (750x563, 36.01K)

wow. Now I unironically want to do a little fed posting.

good stuff. please die