You lost the war. Don't take it out on me and my family. Just endure your own loss and suffering. I'll Kill you. FUCK YOU. I'll Kill you. FUCK YOU. I'll Kill you. FUCK YOU.

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Oh sweet a schizo thread

It's pepe and apu time

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You think these people will just give up and quit? No, they'll go kicking and screaming and take the whole system down with them. They wanted war, and they'll get it.

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hey buddy you're a real jerk

I'm going to jerk your fucking dick the fuck off. Fuck you. DIE

are you a girle

Hit glowniggers with your cars.

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You're a nigger mutt.

So that's what my rimworld characters are doing

I say this to my computer everyday.

I know my real identity now. Kang of Kangz. Only partially joking. But identity destruction is the first and foremost tactic of the Jew

Good. At least there is one smart user on this board.

Yeah they did that to me too. Final confession and rebirth.

Only this time, after they submit me to their psychosis generating 5G MK Ultra, I'm going to blast them hard with my flaming sword and not leave even a single trace of their existence as proof that they were alive.

I heard glowniggers and I came-a-runnin' OP

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>I'm not mad you're mad!
Literal cope.


Nope. you fell for your own Psyop Ritual. I just recycled your own work.

Fuck you George.

George is my father's name

lets see if there's gonna be a congressional hearing based on numbers

What do you mean? Do you believe glowies sit around message hentai sites posting to see what numbers they get?

>nothing personal, kid

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Nope, I said what I said the way I said it because I learned how to do so from watching the Glowies do it.

You will die because I said so. Period. Case closed.