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it hasn't failed until every scheming kike is 6 feet under


What is Plan B?

>Appear weak when you are strong
It's bait.

why are Americans like this?

He just put the bets on both sides, now shilling against nwo to see if it's viable. If it is (and it might be with all the resources he can clear once russia wins) he's fine. Win/win

Ok now bring the jobs back to the u.s. and GO HOME WITH YOUR ILL GOTTEN GAINS YOU UGGO SHIT FOR BRAINS

because amerijews want to appear strong when they are weak

Blame everyone that isn't them for their actions.

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Look what they do, don't listen to what they say.

rebrand and double down

I think you mean Plan Z, and it's already underway

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>Well guys, haha, you've bested me
>My plan has been foiled and all I have to show for it is $10T
>Enjoy the rest of your miserable lives with no recompense
It's bait, at best. Don't be naive.

globalism will be rebranded as stakeholder capitalism. Larry Fink is a kike demon and he controls federal reserve policy behind the scenes. he’s on record stating that markets like authoritarian dictators, their goal of taking over control of the west is slowly coming to fruition. right now we’re in a wealth extraction and power consolidation phase

you never owned anything and happiness is anti-sematic

these trillions only work when they are accepted globally
the less the dollar works globally, the less executive power they have over the world

it's not rocket science

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The NWO isn't real
Also, it's a good thing that the NWO is happening
But also your a conspiracy nut if you believe it's real
Also, here's thousands of examples of corporate and world leaders talking about NWO over the last couple decades
Also it isn't real

Pretend it failed, proceed without interruption

How do people believe in the whole evil globalist shit without understanding the JQ? like what does globalism even mean to them? Why do they think (((they))) want it?

They've been doing that for the past 20 years and the only way they can make more money is if they decide to put the IMF and World Bank into insane amounts of debt like the governments already are. I don't think aliens want to lend us spacebux. They have rebranded and doubled down as far as they can go. That's the problem.

bait for what nigger

Take them to war

this is just blackrock claiming that the alt-right, neo nazi, russian colluding conservative inc america first antisemite alex jones watching, globlaist hatin' chuds are the reason we're going to have to have WWIII and an economic collapse. he wants to literally blame US for his orchestrated collapse of global society. orange man bad. russian man bad. white man bad. etc. etc. etc. its OUR fault covid happened, its OUR fault biden is going to have to nuke russia!

"always accuse your enemy of what you are doing"

everything is still according to the plan
austerity and totalitarian states

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Do you feel in control?

it's in charge not control

>How do people believe in the whole evil globalist shit without understanding the JQ? like what does globalism even mean to them? Why do they think (((they))) want it?

some fall for the communist/marxist line of class warfare and just consider them 'the rich bad guys' and dont look at it any deeper.

others fall for the 'its the evil white man!' line of race baiting and cant tell the difference between a white and a jew.

and others get tripped up over the the whole "it's a religion, not a race!" trick and see that these globalist billionaires all claim to be atheists so "they cant be jews, they're atheists!"

What a fucking surprise. You breed goblins and orcs, they do random shit.
Technological tyranny is in conflict with dysgenical freaks.

failing spectacularly has never stopped the jews from throwing a hissyfit and doubling down before. they may decide to lay low for a while but, that's about the only variation of theme they're cabable of.