>m-muh Ukraine is the good guys cuz they're led by a literal kike put in place by the US. (((Zelenskyy))) is a hero, right, goys?

Then why are the Ukies violating the Geneva Conventions by shooting POWs in the legs on video? Inb4 kike shills/US gov 80 IQ nigger spic shills rush in to anchor this thread/slide this thread because this site has become a kike US government propaganda vehicle. Get fucked, jews. Too bad Americans aren't making the jews in the US pay for what Zelensky is doing or what the other kikes like Victoria Nuland and Tony Blinken are doing pushing globohomo everywhere around the world. Fuck you jews. Drop dead.


Inb4 a zogbot shill rat kike claims this is fake. Zelenskyy's adviser Arestovych already issued a statement immediately after admitting this is real.




Attached: sdfgsdfg35.png (1407x877, 726.02K)

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not a war faggot

One of the most gruesome vids I've seen. Ukrainians what have you got to say for yourselves faggots?

>bandage around a seemingly gushing wound with blood on the floor
>no blood on the bandage

You can't commit war crimes if there isn't a war.

>One of the most gruesome vids I've seen.
lmao really? go back newfag

Attached: b11.jpg (680x877, 53.34K)

>One of the most gruesome vids
>no gore at all
go back

They literally paid will smith to chimp out just to bury this in the news lmao

First day on the Internet?

>most gruesome

Are you kidding me nigger?

>it’s not a war!
Then Russia isn’t committing war crimes.

Either way, hohols are desperately clawing for any scrap of victory and unfortunately these prisoners had to pay the price. It’s not easy to remain calm when you entire asoz units are surrendering en mass.

So the Ukrainians are just standard criminal murderers?

>Geneva Conventions by shooting POWs

There is no war, its a "special military operation". Your foreign minister said so


Seethe Ivan

Why isn't the media covering this like other "war crimes?"

Imagine getting your civ population and cities rekt by ragtag army of degens.

Capturing them alive, giving them non lethal wound so they can reap state benefits after returning to Russia to live rest of their lives on cheap alcohol and being useless.

Ukraine plan is IQ 200 level, they are making moves that will keep ruining Russia for next 50 years.

Oh, neat, so Russia is free to do whatever the fuck it wants now, right? Also, go ahead and explain why the drooling, senile, retarded, illegitimate "president" (who the CIA installed with election fraud) is calling Putin a "war criminal" if there's no war.

If it were you in the video shooting your enemy, with no remorse, you'd be calling it based. Fuck off

Great news. That means Russia is free to do whatever the fuck it wants now, like mass murder every single Ukrainian.

Why don't you explain how the illegitimate "president" (the one the CIA installed with election fraud) can call Putin a "war criminal" if there's no war.

>Zelenskyy's adviser Arestovych already issued a statement immediately after admitting this is real.
Nope, they said they are aware of the video and will investigate. Still no confirmation if it's a Russian fake or real

Yep, seems like it.

>>m-muh Ukraine is the good guys cuz
They're in their country and the russians are dying in a country they don't belong. Super simple. I hope they execute all of the russians and Putin dies of whatever cancer is causing him to bloat like a corpse.