Wow. She’s so right

I’ve never thought of it like that before. Trans rights are human rights

Attached: 56335919-5657-4812-8335-E74CFE62D4A2.jpg (1170x1588, 616.1K)

It's all grooming

biden lost
Putin won

That's a man not a woman OP

Attached: 1641524967864.jpg (968x1296, 311.12K)

Lol look at that disgusting abomination, a man pretending to be a woman like a sort of perverted camouflage. Just imagine the smell. So gross.


Sorry sweaty, Erin is a woman

Attached: 1FCB96FD-3BCB-435F-A6EF-753E1C4F7DA7.jpg (1170x1927, 1.01M)

Define women.

one is natural
one is unnatural
simple as

Im not a biologist

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When two peoples ways of life are incompatible one is always subjugated by the other. The only question is, which one values their way of life and is willing to defend it?

Attached: this.gif (300x186, 445.96K)

Briding and grooming, not trooning.

Attached: choo-choo.jpg (382x385, 31.46K)

this. so close, yet so far lmao

trannies, ironically
normal people are too complacent and decadent and have no idea of taking risks and self-sacrificing to resist this infringement, so they repeat the slogans and let the trannies in the bathrooms so they don't get called bigot
trannies have no self-preservation instinct at all

The 27 year old groooomer
>Tells kids how to buttguck each other
>Tells kids they can chop their cicks off
>Tells kids they can cut off their mammary glands to "for in"
>Spends all day and all night on the internet
>Never touched another human being
>Gets distressed about it's reflection in the mirror
>Literally every functioning community/family contains an enemy of the groooomer
>Complains about the lack of acceptance for grooooming

Throw all faggots off the highest roofs.

Hang on, hang on, this is only talking about gays, not trans.


Um, no sweetiecakes, (((Erin))) is jewish, not a woman.

Attached: 1641956256227.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

that dude should be shot.