Reminder that you cannot be a white man in Australia and be against immigration

Reminder that you cannot be a white man in Australia and be against immigration

Attached: 13.jpg (460x330, 105.31K)

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If Europeans hadn't arrived abos would have only been known about through fossil records.

Abbos came by boat and got so assblasted by the climate and local megafauna that they collectively forgot how to make boats to flee that hellscape.
It was a prison from day one.

Why not?

yeah u can. shut the fucking gate.

abos will suffer more and more as more people flood the country. more of their land/country will get destroyed, and they will become an even smaller minority.

I'm from Tasmania you don't have any claim to my land.

Options is there for a reason.

>came by boat

you might want to revise your history knowledge. The torres strait is barely covered by water even in the modern day. during ice ages it was easy enough to walk across half of indonesia.

You weren’t immigrants, you were prisoners placed there by conquerors.

can abos even articulate a thought like that? they look really dumb and soulless. like really retarded, like dogs have a higher level of intelligence.

Can you guys just ya know go ahead and finish erasing the abbos so they can stop crying?

I know who you are. I recognize every post and thread you make.
Mum and dad obviously didnt give you enough attention

How can we dance when our beds are burning?

I've literally never seen a boong in my entire life.

Attached: chaa.jpg (613x415, 59.56K)


Attached: Finger Lime Whole - Frozen.jpg (1080x1080, 83.5K)

about right

Is there a tasmania separatist group? I'm curious

Australia has a special "low aromatic" gas for their cars to prevent abbos from sniffing it.

>ice age
>human beings


western australia tried a log time ago. they petitioned the privy council eho bascially said “its not possible legally and you have no ability to enforce seccession(military) so bad luck”.

To secede is both legally politically infeasible although i would suppoty such a movement in principle.