Remove one

If god gave you the choice to remove one of these people from earth who would you pick and why?

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but they're le good because i'm contrarian

they do a decent job filtering the wheat from the chaff

"Take/hot take" is leftist zoomie slang.


Pedo. That's why.

Hard choice but the top right is the most vocal, brown, obnoxious and that's where top left gets all his opinions now so that's what I'll go with. Nothing worse than pompous brownoid immigrants talking down to us.

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someone gotta check his hard-drive fr

Anthony Fantano use to be based until the Fader article. That article turned him into a faggot. Just watch this old video of his.

hasan or vaush easy. but between them...idk

ethan and melon are decent people by contrast

Remember his Sam Hyde interview? Now he acts like Sam does not exist

Don't forget that he's jewish too.

god what the fuck happened :(

I used to love this goofy bald fucker

Ethan, he just looks like he fucks kids. Vaush too since he actually fucks kids.

Kek. Saved

I will take out anyone, and please God by taking out the rest.

Vaush, because he is not a communist and is instead a liberal that shills for Dems and NATO. He is also a sexual degenerate who cannot contain it, and has sex with transgenders.

vaush easy

I actually kinda like Vaush

The roach gets the rope, and his fat fucking uncle.

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His review of Tom MacDondald's music turned me off of him and I don't even like Tom Mcdonald or rap music but you could tell Fantano despised his music purely because it was critical of Black Lives Matter and Sympathetic to magafags. Fantano has the maturity level of a 12 year old girl, damn shame.

It'd be between Vaush and Ethan. The former is a pedo and I hate his voice, the latter is a slimy kike and probably a pedo too

Crack out the Raid because the roach is getting sprayed.

They started going after his income. Got his tours cancelled and that made him shit himself. It's crazy how fast he went from being part of the anti far left culture to joining it. He's a sellout with no back bone which is why I can't take him seriously. He's a pussy.

>If god gave you the choice to remove one of these people from earth who would you pick and why?
would love to kill them all, given a free hand.

Who the fuck are any of these guys

Ethan every time

He used to make good content and then turned into the slimiest Jewish piece of shit. Always kill a traitor before your enemy.

Fantano and if I am given another chance for some reason, Fantano again

I don't even know who that bottom right corner guy in the yellow even is tbqh

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Sex offenders