Male rape is not real

How the fuck an adult woman can physically beat a guy and rape him?

Shit literally is so rare I'm sure it happened less than 5 times in the entire history.

Male rape is 100% some nigger ganrape in jail.

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what if she has a gun or bed with a fishing-line operated 12-gauge shotgun trap

you cant be raped by a woman if you dont get an erection.

What if she sneaks up on you while you are watching porn?

90% of male rape is committed by males

as for woman on male rape, probably an adult with a young boy

bro, your manga hentai is not real shit.

an adult woman is as physically strong as a 13 year old male.


guy is drunk, women is not, they fuck. thats rape now.

you can under the new female definitions of rape it's easy

>fuck a fat bitch
>bitch won't get off and keeps fucking you after you've told her you're done

yeah the boy is probably under 13 in those cases. coercion/ blackmail/ shame etc. to get him to do it.

If it counts as rape when women regret it the next day, the same should apply for men.

that's literally the only possible way.

It's physically impossible for a woman to defeat an adult male.

I got really drunk once and my gf insisted on riding me and I was slurring mumbling "no get off". Would've been hot but I was half-passed out


Have you seriously never had a woman gaslight you, sleep deprive you, and throw tantrums until you had sex with her?

You've never heard of woman threatening to say YOU raped THEM if you even hint at rejecting them?

Blackmailing people into not rejecting you isn't rape?
Am I seriously the only person who has noticed what kind of psychopathy a woman can present when she feels rejected sexually?

You've never experienced a woman trying to smear your image (possibly accuse you of illegal things) if you even appear to be rejecting her? Especially sexually?
This is not uncommon.

that's called a crazy bitch.

And you're a retard for sticking your dick in crazy bitches.

>an adult woman is as physically strong as a 13 year old male.
You've obviously never met a fat woman

There's no way I'm the only person on this board that has experienced what kind of blackmail and gas lighting a woman is capable of when rejected.

user it was never and will never be about equality.

>that's called a crazy bitch.
>And you're a retard for sticking your dick in crazy bitches.
I'm literally talking about refusing to stick my dick in crazy.
I had a girl scratch her nails down my arms so hard that I had gauges of flesh missing in 12 inch long strips that left scars for months because I tried to leave a room where a girl was trying to fuck me.

nigga, you must be a basedboy beta who doesnt lift if a woman is stronger than you.

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>How the fuck an adult woman can physically beat a guy and rape him?
>Shit literally is so rare I'm sure it happened less than 5 times in the entire history.
Nah, the most common one I know of when a woman rapes a man they usually double drug them. They give them l'île à roofie so they cannot fight/say no then Viagra.

This is 100% real.

You can do it when the male is very young.

nigga, just publicly denounce the bitch before she say you rape her.

Or tell anyone, retard.

Who said me user? I said women can and are physically stronger than 13 y/o males

Can confirm. This actually happened to me in college.

you mean onions onions faggots:?

women has no testosterone, they're as weak as children.

Alright you're either clinically retarded or fishing for (You)'s but either way this is the last reply you get

viagra + roofie

your fault for being alone with a crazy bitch.