Mitt Romney General (MRG)

Bringing sanity back to the GOP
Possible 2024 run?
What’s his chances against Biden?

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Binders of women

Lol. Lmfao.

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none because most republicans/conservatives wont vote for him, all he has left for support are cultists in utah, and jewish neocons.

He wants ww3.

Does his son have business in Ukraine? A war would cover that up

Death to america.

>the fanatical right hate him for not being a trump loyalist
NGMI, should have just just switched parties when he had the chance

belongs to a cult that wants all Protestants to die
neck deep in ukrainian bribery

>belongs to a cult that wants all Protestants to die
You made him sounds extremely based

FBI, please go. At least you're not tranny's and have a modicum of care but the guy is a gutless turd warmonger. The worst kind of warmonger. Show me a MacArthur Mormon who wants to nuke the world and scare the tar out of everyone, not some binder faggot who never fought anyone in his life.

Mormon heretics get The Pope

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This guy is literally the biggest flip flopping tool I have ever seen in my life. I don’t think there is more spineless, controlled politician alive that I can think of.

>voting for nigress to the supreme court
lol romney can fuck off

People are making fun of him but look at the amount of white people he’s made

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This is a CIA thread and OP should, without question, be ran over.

Mormons are all fucking retarded and deserve the rope

He has 0 chance of winning the primary, so a pointless discussion.

>hated by democrats
>hated by republicans

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Literally the most obvious two-faced republican.

Because our country is corrupted, I would say he has a good chance against Biden.

Can't even blame autocorrect on that one.

and yet he chooses to be a RINO and suck israel's dick.


Id vote biden over this traitor. Romney is more liberal than most democrats.

hey dumbass, unfit mitt is one of the biggest most corrupt shitbags in history. go fuck yourself you retarded cunt.

kys, shitskin

yeah his son is with pelosi and biden's kid, all getting a fuckload of people killed for crack money. fuck mitt, but funny thread.

Same here

No, they're not. One saved my ass once, and they do still have good family values. They're crazy, but it's kind of a good crazy. I wouldn't want to be one with all the dogma and questionable theology but side them up next to muzzies, globohomo "science" theists, they're sort of like tech Amish. That said with their influence in the US alphabet establishment you wonder why nothing good has gotten done.

He's one of the biggest faggots out there. We al remember it's other runs. Realy good goy globalhomo stooge.

Mormons get the rope

>brown eyes



They ran the same plan against him as Trump. Racist, sexist, rich. They even did the old "we demand your taxes" play, got them, there was nothing illegal at all but they used the tax laws he used against him even though again he did nothing illegal or wrong.

hey OP, i reported this thread for being extremely low quality. this type of slide thread makes me want to vomit and seeing as i can’t gouge your fucking eyeballs out with a claw hammer because you’re so far away, i decided to just let the jannie faggot wipe up your shitty faggot thread you fucking loser shill faggot

Why did he work to stop Trump at all costs only to openly help Biden in getting laws passed, even when his voters want him to do the opposite?

How is there not a law that allows voters to cast a vote of no-confidence in the person they trusted with running their nation if he has provably gone back on his campaign's political platform? How is false advertising in this fashion not a felony?

>white people
>with just as bad opinions as niggers
Gee, thanks

pretty cool ngl