Are you willing to die for your political beliefs, or are you a coward bitch?

Are you willing to die for your political beliefs, or are you a coward bitch?

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How can a dick fit in there, that ass is way too big

That's gross.

>dying for believes

Unironically too much ass.

Bitch, just like you my fellow American.

Unless you are a literal nigger who didn’t choose to come here. You chose to come here to avoid politics somewhere else.
>muh natives
They are even worse because the brave natives have been being culled hard.

>american: we need to get rid of niggers
>does nothing
but you've got guns right?
put them to use already

you spread it open dumbass

Is that Kim kardashin

>How can a dick fit in there

Micro dick detected. You need length to pump an ass like that, if you are 10 inches and up it is no problem.

too thin and tall to be her

Im willing to die for that bunda


Fake ass. Misleading thread.

I believe my politics are defense of me and mine and I'll kill the world or die to protect that. Yes. My country doesn't matter anymore

ill answer the question and say yes, in a passive yet stubborn manner

Thicc and any who perpetuate this as a positive for women qualify as a mentally deranged nigger akin to Talcum X/Tupac Sugar and will be sent on the one-way back to Africa boats with all niggers and coal burners when that glorious time comes.

Attached: Acceptable White ass that is not deformed.jpg (3000x3000, 648.66K)

Just a little less fat and a little more glute and thigh and we have a winner.

i'm a coward bitch definitively. at least i'm lucid. Anyway.
you will have to die every 50 years if that's how you view the world, basically every 2 generation will have to die in mass casualties war and no stability will ever be achieved

>how can a dick fit in there
>that ass is way too big
pick one

Attached: OH GOD IM GONNA- UGH.gif (498x413, 2.43M)

The other white people love their NIGGERS. They get mad when you even bring up race issues that affect white demographics

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Willing to die /= dying, diptitty

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>having political beliefs
lmao fuck all of you only I matter

>10 inches
Okay, Mandingo.

What kind of retard dies for "beliefs"?

lol god thinks other wise.

user… that’s not where the vagina is