Hello sir, license and registration please

Don't worry just a routine check.

Attached: NormalDayInAmerica.jpg (2997x1995, 752.39K)

Attached: america fuk yea.webm (960x540, 1.56M)

looool look at the goblin in the background

imagine stopping.

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Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

why do American cops insist on your papers like that, British police understand you might not have your licence with you and definitely don't expect you to carry printed out proof of insurance

policemen are almost always already or will soon become completely control freaks. Combine that with them walking around with a gun feeling all cool they start to take themselves way too seriously.

Your snake market is lovely is it still there?

I've seen enough body cam shoots to say with confidence that 90% of cops are panic shooting amateurs

anyone else find the ZOG military mercenary-to-local-law enforcement pipeline a bit troubling?

definitely. they almost always get spooked to hell. if its a woman, forget it. she will drop her weapon and run most of the time.

anyway, if the person being pulled over is prepared ahead of time to shoot the cop, usually the civilian will win the fight


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Absolute unit in the back there.

Black people


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a fucking spic and a fat sociopathic fuck. cops are worse than niggers.

Attached: zogbotted.png (640x853, 406.85K)


Wait is this the same guy? Is the 2nd picture body cam footage?
I've never heard of ghost incident,if it happened.
If anything happened, what did?

don't worry. our nigger population is battling the zog troopers for us.

Assault with a deadly weapon (op picrel) will cause me to fill your basement up with propane.
I'm gonna wait for your wife to call you and then blow it up in your face.
Anyone is justified in killing this pig at any time.
Defense of others is a thing.