Tfw starting to lose all interest in the Ukraine war

>tfw starting to lose all interest in the Ukraine war
Literally fucking nothing is happening right now
Where are big city assaults and massive offensives which they hyped at the beginning of the invasion?
If russians weren't so fucking incompetent we'd be seeing true war kino but right now there's literally fuck all

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It's the fog of war lad, just wait until S2 underground posts again he said hes making another analysis video in the coming week or two.

>If russians weren't so fucking incompetent we'd be seeing true war kino but right now there's literally fuck all
If russians aren't too retarded, they will take their lessons for the next war and we will see the modern mechanized waves with mass artillery support we have been blue-balled from for 70 years. If fucking Stalinist of all could do after the winter war, no reason to expect less from russians. Otherwise they deserve to fail as a nation. Maybe in 10 years ?
>S2 underground posts again
Who ?

Guy on youTube. Worked as a defense analyst for a couple years and now he makes YouTube videos analyzing the war. He also has other videos showing you how to do some things but I won't say it here for reasons you'd see for yourself.

>wont say it for reasons
>shit is uploaded on YouTube
Are you a child? Just fucking say what it is

Seems like a great channel, thanks burger fren

Much appreciated, user.
No no he's smart for not saying it I can see why...

Oh yeah I'll totally check it out
Not interested


Wow life must be so depressing. You're not getting call of duty and marvel tier combat videos...
A thread died for this...

Ukraine are on the offensive, so that might be fun. Lots of slit throats of Russian orcs in the next few days as Zelenskyy calls for full own urban warfare in occupied cities. Death is coming for everyone and everything flying that cumrag called the Russian flag

Tell them bro I'm not doing it
enjoy watching the news for info faggot. Good luck.

They aren't on any offensive you massive idiot

>giving a shit about Ukraine
Whatever dude, I only need enough info to fuck with whoever is pissing me off currently

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Hey, maybe Zelensky will do some more dancing soon. That always cheers everyone up.

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Its uninteresting because both sides are lying non stop. Difficult to follow the situation when even basic facts are constantly being argued over.

>LNR announced today a referendum to join Russia
>encirclement of 40k force in Donbas
>Kherson is preparing to break away
>prices in yurop are through the roof, famine is next
>Russia will probably switch gas off for yurop next week

Yeah, nothing is happenning

the only fun thing to happen in 2 weeks was the ukranians shooting russians in the knees

>the fog of war lad
If you still can't surmise what's happening there you need to fucking kill yourself.

Because it's literally a nothing proxy war that will fizzle out. It's EXACTLY like when the US invaded Iraq after 9/11. It was constant fucking coverage that everyone was glued to, and you had play by plays as they took Baghdad. Then everyone got bored with it and the war continued on and no one really gave a shit anymore even though people were getting blown up.

It's one major power invading a lesser country and everyone getting all worked up and in a few months no one will give a shit anymore.

They’ve swung below Kherson while the whitewaters going past Mykolaev are getting farther away from their supply lines, we’ve seen this playbook a million times, every time Vatnorks get that blitzkrieg flame in them, swift attacks in their rears by Ukraine chads quickly extinguish that flame

Meanwhile Kherson was deep in the red before, now it only is like that in chink cope maps. Ps I think Azerbaijanis are killing orcs in nagorno, you should get all over that

>Pretty lame, they should try using actual tactics, instead of just throwing troops at eachother, like barbarians.

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I root for you guys at this point ( would have prefered no invasion at all ) but most of the front are in stalemate or very slow moving. Like OP said we were expecting fulda gap style mechanized waves assaults with second echelon troops cleaning up pocket of resistance.
>>encirclement of 40k force in Donbas
We were expecting that after the first week.
>>prices in yurop are through the roof, famine is next
>Russia will probably switch gas off for yurop next week
That would be quite interesting but not really military related.

Fucking zoomers. You realise war can take years. Right? If blitz tactics fail, you may even end up with trench warfare. Sanctions and international isolation will bleed the russian economy, and they have already started to default on their debts, but this whole thing could take decades. Even if the war ends sooner (which it probably will within a few months because russia is running out of everything), the conflict won't have ended. We'll be seing remilitirisation of a bunch of european countryes, further tensions betwenn NATO and russia, and the slow death of the russian federation.
What i'm trying to say is, world events take time and are not like the movies. So grow the fuck up.

Its all fake and gay