The only possible outcomes after death

The only possible outcomes after death..

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Other urls found in this thread: article describes the case,shot down by the Japanese.

read evola

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I'm so horrified by #5

Literally not possible fren

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6. Buddha was right

Eternity doesn't exist. Mind is temporary (dead people don't have them), thoughts are temporary (thoughts end), and the illusions of time, matter and space are created by mind.

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That's a cope. You can't prove or disprove it.

I’m horrified by all but 5

If you're going to be a piece of shit memefaggot, don't mention legtimately good things in your posts, because you are cancer and everyone knows it except you.

It's number 5. Sorry, but think of how life was before you were born. You can't? Precisely. Death is like turning off a TV. When it's over, it's over.

Rolling also a schizo made that rollchart lmao "we" in every field get fucked in everyone of your multiple persinality bullshit

Concerning yourself with these possibilities makes you a pussy. Seriously. If you're not ready to meet death at any moment without fear, youre not really living your life to the extent you should be.

There is no such thing as eternity. Nor infinity, for that matter.

chill the fuck out

7. Absorbed by an extra dimensional entity

Its 3, you will wake up to see that despair took over the world and you mutilated your own body as a tribute to the qieen of despair. Unfortunately you have been successfully reprogramed to fight against despair now, good luck.

>Sorry, but think of how life was before you were born. You can't? Precisely.

Do you remember what life was like when you were 2? You can't? Well, I guess that means you were dead!

this reminds me of my idea that everything either:

1 breaks
2 gets thrown away
3 outlives it's usefulness

one might point to the Pyramids of Giza or other such ancient monuments / ruins, but these still fall under #3 as they outlived their original usefulness.

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We're just dead meat in a box. Face up to reality.

>Do you remember what it was like before you were born?
This retard has never had a psychonautic experience where he remembered memories that could only have happened to his ancestors. Weak.
It's #1 btw, you reincarnate through your own genetics eventually, unless you stop the chain in which case it becomes #2 as your soul "ripens off the vine of creation".

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The only acceptable outcome is reincarnation into a dog in a upper middle class family home. Probably the best/easiest life I can even imagine.

8. It's impossible to observe your own death.timeline bends to a reality where (you) always survive

What about this article describes the case,shot down by the Japanese.

I'll go ahead and add that some informayion about spirituality can only be understood by certain people. If you are not one of those people, you will not fully understand the nature of 'life' or 'reality' in this lifetime. This is why India has castes.

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Literally why would it be like before you were born? there is no argument for that at all

interesting but everybody we know dies, so is it like within our own experience we achieve eternal life?

I pity those who have never taken up the serious exploration of the question of life after death. You can always tell who they are by their silly reductionist materialistic view of people just being piles of meat and nothing more.

I'll point you in the direction of a scientific journey into the research that you should take starting with Dr. Ian Stevenson.

The mind continues for a time after death, then stops/is reborn. But birth here means you start a new dream. Tibetans use the 'still alive after death' time period, which they claim lasts many weeks, to talk to the dead and lead them to better rebirths.

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It's interesting how some people just *know* theres more than just this life we live, while others simply refuse to believe such a thing.

All of these assume dualism, that the mind exists independently of the body. Post-50s neuroscience has made it pretty clear that the mind is an emergent phenomenon from the atoms and their physical interactions that make up the brain.

So there is a 6th option: there is no "we", there was never a "we". There was never a "you" that existed independently of your atoms. "You" are a snapshot of atoms and their emergent memories at any one time, e.g. monism. So what happens after you die? The same thing that happens before you were born, or during dreamless sleep. A nothingness. A lack of experience, thought or process.

Not convinced? Think about the fact that none of the five options presented have an answer to the cloning or teleportation problems.

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No he doesn't. He has his opinion on the nature of reality, you have yours. Both are equal in that neither can be proved. You can't prove the nature of reality.

wheres the option where you become a spooky ghost