Refinery blows up in Billings, Montana

If any of you Montana anons live downwind of this, you should probably sell your property in the next few months or years. This is how 'cancer clusters' get started:

>An explosion at the ExxonMobil oil refinery near Lockwood Saturday night brought a large emergency response from multiple agencies, according to witnesses and Gazette reporters at the scene.

>The fire was initially reported at around 10 p.m.

>Bystanders could see a smoke column rising from the refinery in the late evening hours and witnesses described flames erupting from the compound.

>Josh Thometz was watching a movie with his family at his home on Lapin Street when they heard a boom echo outside. They went to the street and one of their neighbors told them the refinery was on fire. Thometz captured footage of the flames as first responders battled the blaze.

>The Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office said roads into the refinery were being cordoned off and people should avoid the area.

>Sheriff Mike Linder said deputies helped direct traffic away from the refinery, while crews with county Disaster and Emergency Services, Lockwood Fire and the Billings Fire Department were at the scene of the fire.

>The ExxonMobile refinery spans 720 acres, and its products include gasoline, diesel, asphalt, butane and propane.

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whole city reeks all the way from laurel to the other side of the rimrocks

What timing for oil infrastructure to blow up.
Almost makes one think.

>Refinery blows up in Billings, Montana
So ???

at least it happened while gas prices are low

>Important infrastructure suddenly explodes no reason at all.

Yeah it's not important or anything.

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Looks like more to come judging by the way US is behaving towards other countries.

Shit... all that property already dropped the minute news broke. Even before that probably. Same with stocks. by the time regular people hear about big developments the movement is already over.

Like that fertilizer factory going up in smoke too. The coming shortages are engineered.

A Saudi oil refinery was missile struck on Friday.

the average IQ in billings has to be below 50, nothing here is surprising or conspiracy

cheap land, though, I'll happily take

I don't care. I just want happenings.

The state pf Montana has the same average IQ as ashkenazic jews.

>Montana tells Biden to fuck off, we are starting up the refinery to combat gas prices
>Refinery blows up a week later
No spooks here, completely reasonable occurrence


Sounds like sabotage.

It was the Peak Oil Schiz!

Was it the same refinery?


Who wants to bet they blame it on a Russian cyberattack?

bump from /ctw/

come join our project boys shit is getting spicy

Wood gasifier

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Attached: self reliance.jpg (736x544, 217.7K)

Refinery explosions happen every summer in Southern California, just in time for price gouging during peak driving season. Only a brainlet belives these are actually accidental.

25th - Jeddah
26th - Lvov
27th - Billings
Make your bets on the next location

Why did they make Benedict Cumberbatch gay in Sherlock Holmes?

I wonder if its Iran.

i remember in torrance, california, about 7 years ago now, this exact thing happened. it was also owned by exxonmobil. they never found a satisfactory cause for the explosion. immediately afterwards there was a mystery tax added to california gas prices. nobody know what it is or where it came from or why its there, including accountants. when you pay for gas in california theres a hidden surcharge that adds 20 cents for every gallon.

not much more for me to add beyond "ive seen this before and it is fucking conspiratorial and weird".

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Venezuelan black ops



PLC controllers hacked?