
Ignore Labor shills

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unironically voting for labor dont care

Because you're an idiot.


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>He has got to go.

Why can’t any of the commonwealth labour parties actually represent the interests and ideas of the working class?

How did labour become pure globohomo

Fuck that zionist pedo poofter Alan Jones

what is the difference between lib and labe. aren't they all jewish bumbashers? idk, never ever voted in my life

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They are similar, except Labor have that idiot Keneally who was an unbearable american/Australian accent, and keeps failing her way to the top.

Albo will also let boat people in and spend significantly more on climate change bullshit.


Fuck off schizo

Hello Labor shill

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Why has FriendlyJordies been trying so hard lately?

Just came in a women mouth AMA

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Should we invade the Solomon Islands?


Seething. Maybe one day you will have sex and won't be on the ASIO terror watch list

You're an idiot though.

I'm not the one seething over a meme and asking strangers on the internet if we should invade the Solomon islands

But you are an idiot.

Should Australia and Canada unite into one chad country?

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Witch name will this new country get? canstalia? ausnada?


North Main
