Why do so many white nationalists hate white women? seems a bit contradictory to me

why do so many white nationalists hate white women? seems a bit contradictory to me

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Certification & designation: BGC.

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that's a chinese woman, user

The legend

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Because they are "White" nationalists (read as Turk, Slav, Filipino, Hispanic, Syrian) who lust after White women and hate them for being the most racially loyal group. Meaning they can't have them.

Common misconception, I don't hate white women specifically, I just hate women generally.

The ancients were right, they are not fully human and deserve no rights.

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Nigger men who can't handle strong blaq qweenz go for white men. White men who are weaker than niggers and can't control a white woman go for submissive chinky waifus. Look at any zogbot who brings a gookwife back to the states. They're pathetic even by zogbot standards.


this is why

>go for white women

White people are white men. Women are just property.

asian women are better. they come with zero problems (if you're goal is to just fuck them). I recommend thai hookers overseas

Because White Nationalists are gay fags

because they are losers

Because of the coal burning epidemic and because many of them marched in the blm protests.

lmao no one wants black women and the white women black guys get are usually chavs/trailer trash
are you that dude who pays to fuck SEAmonkeys from a previous thread? thats cringe bro

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>another gaslighting thread where 500 anons answer the loaded question as if the implication was true
it's all so tiresome

Have you talked to any white women?

are you also a sexpat

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I don't "hate white women", I hate it when white women have sex with dogs, donkeys, niggers. and I hate it when then lie, "you're an 8 out of 10." etc.

You guys wanna know the secret to ending the Jewish antagonistic race scheming. White nationalists and black nationalists teaming up. They want the same thing and could exist in mutually beneficial realms. Separated and focused on their own people. Once this is figured out it's game over.

The only people still really pushing for multiculturalism at this point are Jews on Twitter and barren, white, suburban women.

My nigga

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I only hate myself desu. Once I improve myself, any woman who might show interest will have to have the same values and ideals as me if she's going to be worth my time. What I would like to be most women are not aligned with at all.