The Food shortage is an engineered hoax

Last year farmers were talking about how the government was paying them off to dump tons of of "excess" produce for unknown reasons. This shit has nothing to do with Russia. Nothing about America has changed Geographically or Environmentally, It is entirely able to provide food for the increasing mutt population

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what shortage?
t. cooking two giant NY strip steaks right now

exactly, but how much did you pay for those steaks? I've noticed at my wal-mart that there are more steaks in the aisle because prices have raised.

I partially agree but partially disagree. I believe 1) Russia exports lots of fertilizer, and 2) Ukraine is Europe's breadbasket and likely can't focus on growing food right now. Feel free to deboonk but it does kind of make sense.

I farm in an urban area. Grow majority of our food and build what we need.
Most neighbors and extended family are acting oblivious.
No idea what's about to come down on them.

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Yup all part of the very gay plan

Its the fertilizer that is expensive which will result in lower production of food world wide.
Plus energy inputs for farming are high
Plus all country's are stockpiling what ever they can .
It is going to be a shit show .
Hope Nazis surrender quick

who the fuck buys meat at walmart?

I do. Grass fed steak from Whole Foods tastes weird.

Don't know what fertilizer shortages mean do you genius?

The absolute state. Fucking Amerigolem

Food is made out of shit and the world is having a shit shortage.

the restaurant you pay top dollar for
actually sams club

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Tfw amerimutt

The quality difference isn't as drastic as you'd think, unless we are talking Wagyu beef or something but that's to be expected. It's edible if you're getting good cuts.

doesn't matter, what matters is if biden stops food shipments, then it's real

Even if you live in a flat you can get some potted plants and window boxes. If you have a yard add a veggie patch and a few chickens. I am in the burbs but I have enough room to at least supple,emt my diet.

I would like to pay double for meat but I like my food to taste good. Perhaps I grew up on "walmart meat". Which isn't bad at all. And neither is their side chain "great value".

I wonder what bill gates is gonna do with all that farmland he just bought. My guess is hes gonna shut it all down. Manufactured shortages, manufactured disease, manufactured war, manufactured political division. Next comes the manufactured antichrist and then manufactured savior. Its all so tiresome bros.

protip: its going to china. China has a middle class now, and they want to live a middle class lifestyle. This means hamburgers, this means bacon. When some kike tries to convience you that 'there isnt enough to go around, people are starving' what he really means is "china is willing to pay us more so we are selling your 'share' to them.'

>Hope Nazis surrender quick

they are going to drag this out for 10 years so they can meet their 2030 great reset time table. manufactured famine was always part of the plan.

I buy cow shares from the rancher across town.
I don't eat food touched by niggers.

> being this autistic
okay suckerberg

of course it is engineered

but its consequences will be very real

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I hope we starve Africa to death.

no you dont, log off faggot.

Stop being poor.

>who the fuck buys meat at walmart?
It’s more common than you might think

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Nope, Biden is going to guilt trip a starving america with ads to aid a desolate africa to further exacerbate the food shortage crisis.

real thread here

bill gates is largest farm owner in america. i wonder why theres food shortage and massive mark ups in prices and record profits? cohencidences i guess.

You'll get made fun of, but grass fed cows are leaner as opposed to grain. I like my meat or taste great with good marbling. Wagyu cattle are fed beer during the summer to eat more grain. Leading to higher marbling. Fat equals flavor.
With that said, I only buy prime from sam's club.

I don't care where the meat is bought, grass-fed beef is definitely off-tasting. I'll take grain-fed Angus any day

>gates becomes largest north american farmer
>creates artificial shortage of food
>prices increase

says the person blowing a fucking rancher for meat