When did you realize China won?

They have automated their factories and can now outproduce us in war 1,000 to 1

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the americans thought their money and armies could win against the afghans, when you realize that it was all a game to steal my gf, you learn that it wont fare well for these nigga ass bitches.
yall niggas already dead

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>When did you realize China won

>When did you realize China won?
The first time I saw this gif

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What did China win? America has had automated factories for decades.

Guarantee the robots were created by americans and europeans.

Dude the only manufacturing that still happens in the USA is high tech like this

We have had factories in America like this for 25 years you ignorant pleb.


>China is dependent on the west for oil, food, Money, and consumer base
>China is literally dying out with no birthrate

The west needs china for cheap consumer goods like electronics and toys

China needs the west to LITERALLY SURVIVE

China has no future. Save this post.

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>population has less jobs
seems dumb with the numbers they have

>Get political YouTube and
>China wants to BEAT America
Always makes me lol, I'm sure boomers eat it up and don't even think beat at what

>When did you realize China won?
I visited my home city that was white when I left and everyone was either morbidly obese, a nigger, or a spitting image of the amerimutt

China hasn't won anything; something has to happen for you to win something.

Literally every concept and technology there was invented by white men.

You do know all manufacturing is going towards this? Where I work most of the work is done by robots already. They just have to figure out how to get a robot to load steel into a press and then some type of conveyor system to take it from robot to robot for welds and nuts. 10 years ago there was near zero automation and everything was done by hand and now there are nearly as many robots as humans working on the floor. And most of the humans working are just take part out for robot and put part in for robot then checking to make sure it didn't mess up because you loaded the part wrong. They will probably have it fully automated by 2030.

What the white man gives, the white man can take away.

The Asians killed the golden goose. With Covid and the war and the supply shocks literally every american company is going to move manufacturing to Mexico or into automated facilities like this back in America

T. insurance broker with lots of commercial manufacturing clients.

China is going to collapse so hard its hilarious

china being more advanced then the west is a historical norm. the brits managed to contain then with drugs and now that they're sober they gonna be a titan again

The only people who will go out of business due to automation are slave workers like chinks and poojeets.

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anytime now!!! you forgot your meds

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>Chinks walking all around working
Doesn't seem to automated to me Moshe

Lol what a cope

>the brits
>some long nosed brits who just happen to belong to my tribe did that thing with opium

Americans tucking tail and retreating like cowards from Afghanistan, and then spending a month of coping and claiming that they totally meant to do that.

No one buys chinese satellites cos they are worried about data

just like nobody uses their hainan space facility

its all so tiresome waste of money

no, once you go black, you can never go back

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When they killed all of our intelligence assets and we jailed theirs..........and then biden released them back into the wild. They aren't stealing our shit, it's being given to them by our own government. Makes you wonder what the timeline for them to jump ship and go live in china is.

What is this referencing to chink?

>Woll Smoth

In college when the Chinese mainlanders student said there are plenty of middle aged and elderly chain smokers who do so for the purpose of dying sooner after their past their peak work years. Our old people would eat the world if they could

Honestly, only when the sanctions came out and lots of countries waivered in their support for the US.
China grew tremendously, in power and GDP, but:
- I was used to seeing the US as a powerhouse (which it still is, but it's not as robust as history would have you believe)
- There is a lot of shilling for China from western commies and socialist
- China isn't what the US used to be; Chinese and US govs are not that different. They are authoritarian, and they like to fiddle with the economy.
Why China might have an advantage is that it is younger as an open economy country, while the US has been accumulating bad habits for a longer time, like imposing trade restrictions and inflating the currency. The bad habits have trickled down to the population, too fearful of an innocuous virus, too credulous of the media, too used to welfare.
Also, they may have a better mechanism for picking leadership. While they do have a single party system, their leaders have to satisfy the different political factions, and maybe there's more competition in local government. In the US, power may actually be more centralized, and the competition there is is not based on concrete ideas but rather in bickering, optics, while the deep state remains solidified and cannot change and improve.

It's just my 2 cents, though, from what I read on the internet. I've never been to any of the 2 countries, so my opinion isn't worth much.