Something I've always wondered about: are there many surinameans in the Netherlands? How well do they assimilate? Do they rape and steal? Do Dutchies hate them? Dutchpill me on Suriname.

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The Hindus are generally fine and productive people but the creoles, well, I'm sure I don't need to tell a Brazilian.

What hindus? They have indian religious? I'venever heard of that.

Yeah we shipped them from India to Surinam and them to Holland, don't ask me why.


Is there a racist term for them in Dutch?

Koelies maybe. Not sure if they find it racist.

Dutch females love them. Dutch males hate them for it and prefer the hindus and javanese males because dutch girls don't like brown manlets like the surinam hindus and javans.

How well do they assimilate to Dutch society compared to other migrant groups?

Do you think they all have BBC?

There are only about 1000 ethnic Dutch people left in Suriname at this point, most left when it gained independence, and there weren't a lot in the first place. Most of the people living there are either black, Indians, or natives.

So they all look like regular índios who speak dutch?

No, I think the majority are Apus. Most people speak aa type of English mixed with Hindu, Chinese, and Javanese words, but Dutch is still the legal official language

This is what the Dutch surinam hindus look like. Now you know why Dutch males prefer surinam hindus over the african surinam males.

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>the majority are Apus

say what

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I looked them up on google images and they all look like your regular Colombians i.e. índios.

After slavery was banned, the Eurofags needed cheap labor for their colonies, so they started bringing indentured workers, mostly from India but also from other Asian countries.

Cool how do you know history stuff that doesnt have anything to do with the USA? Thats strange

They live in ghettos and are just like your typical niggers, good for nothing

This stuff is just interesting to me. I like world history, especially Europe and former European colonies

The pajeets are alright, I honesty forget they exist.
The niggers are the biggest wimps I've ever seen, especially the men.
They bitch and moan about anything and everything, if its to cold you can hear them whine, if its too hot they cry, if its neither they cry. I genuinly feel bad for the slave owners that had to deal with them.
However, I prefer them to the African or sandnigger. Surinamers are probably my favorite type of nigger because at least their accent is funny and they have a somewhat unique culture.

The hindus are the ok type. The niggers are subhumans.

What do their dutch sound like compared to Dutch dutch?