Homosexuality is based and high IQ

Daily reminder:
A mans nipples are more sensitive than a womans nipples

A mans body is more sensitive than a womans body

A man can understand your suffering more than any w*man can

A man can open pickle jars for you a w*mans inferior grip and strength cannor

A man will comfort you when you are weak, a w*man will not

A man smells nice and earthy and sexy, w*men smell like rotten butter and xenoestrogen filled perfume

A man takes responsibility for his actions, a w*man will cheat on you and say its your fault for not buying corn flakes on time or some shit

A man is stronger and healthier than a woman

There is literally no logical reason to worship w*men or their ugly bodies. Men should love other men - females are merely breeding tanks to make more beautiful men

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't want to fuck a man's soul. I can get into penises and butts, they're erotic, I could get into it, but like spiritually and psycho-emotionally I only want to fuck girls


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why are dog cocks so hot bros

My mother...fucking...MAN
Imagine having sex with some fugly, dry hole when you can have a relationship with a bro?

>be faggot
>die in one generation
such high IQ

based ghost fucker


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Women should be used for reproduction.
Men should be used for recreation.


>this is the future trannies and faggots want for you

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everyone who likes this movie gets it

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Just 9 mins after the start of your shift
What's the loading for Sunday shift at asio Mr I'm a furry glownigger

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High IQ people tend to not reproduce.

what the fuck are you doing on this board

being based. DUhhhh

This rhetoric is so self delusional
I think you should kill yourself

Aids is a bioweapon created by straights to attempt to disempower the growing homosexual elite class.

It should be the other way around

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shilling you stupid nigger
notice the several instant replies supporting it

I don't want a man or a woman. I want a catboy.

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>be faggot
>catch aids
As much as I hate femoids, I hate faggots more. Not to mention you fucks have been caught molesting kids and have admitted that you're going after kids.

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Your dick smells like feces
Your brain is infected with toxoplasmosis
Everyone thinks you're cringe, even many of your gay friends

i would unironically fill her up until she suffocated

where can i find girls like this in real life?

What is sort by creation date

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>>be faggot
>>die in one generatio-

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The only thing lower than women is faggots.

FFS, I love you aussy bro. what the actual fuck. HAHAH



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