“Russia may conduct a full-scale offensive on Poland...

>“Russia may conduct a full-scale offensive on Poland, the Baltic states & Kazakhstan as part of a global military special operation on demilitarization & denazification,” - Russian MP Sergei Savostyanov.


The question is: Is the Russian military even able to simply defeat Ukraine?

Attached: ZeihanPrediction.jpg (1024x896, 135.86K)

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Russians always say crazy shit.

Absolute pipe dream

The plan is rile up pollacks and b8 them to attack Belarus. Article 5 won't trigger than, or at least it will give an excuse to Americans not to die for Poland.

This is a good thing. This needs to happen. We need WW3 in our lives.

I hope we just nuke Russia.

They are attacking all these countries with Ladas and ak-47s. Pretty brave imo

stop listening to your jewish larping visegrad propaganda. Literally everything they say is insanely exaggerated and far fetched

Based populist retard escalating.
We have such tards here too.

Fuck, we need designated territory where such tards from both sides could make their mexican standoffs and massacre each other.


The last non kiked place in Europe, sure, great idea...

What's up with Kazakhstan being on that list?

antifa will defend this

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Im in lets denazify Poland together based Russia


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The Zakarpattia oblast must be one hell of a shithole is even within Russia's wet dream borders it is left out

But to answer your question, no, it won't, and neither will it attack NATO territory, as much as Poland and the Baltics may want to provoke a war with Russia

I miss the best one. Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Attached: sCMxu16vgR0YEiy-Sad-Emoji-PNG-Transparent-Image.png (480x480, 108.91K)

See the first vid I linked:
Zeihan predicted this Russian invasion over the last decade.
People laughed at him, no one's laughing now

Yeah, pair it with your current clown and you get the picture.
Stop fucking escalating it here!!! Both of you.

There's nazis hiding in Auschwitz gas chambers, quick Russia, denazify them! I'll go to the shower intake room to flank them! Lock the wooden door behind you so they can't run past you!

Hahahaahaha. Everyone knows their desired borders. But they cant control it. The only reason they took those countries in the first place was because the Germans already did it.

Did he die?

Yeah, that clown was so over the top that nobody took him seriously.

Unironically what I thought because that would be insanely stupid and unreasonable, but I guess Poopin is just a mental midget on top of being an actual midget. Even the most retarded ideas can't be discounted anymore.

is that liquid Bananium-210 he's holding in a vial?

they can't even invade ukraine without losing tens of thousands of troops, but sure, roll those dice

But wait, Russia already invaded Ukraine in 2014 according to le international community. I know it because I read it on the Daily Mail

If it's so crazy then why have some people spent the last decade predicting Russia will invade Ukraine?
Going back ~7 years Zeihan even predicted that Russia would have to invade by this year at the latest.

Russia threatens to carpet bomb us like 5 times a week, treats from them is as shocking as seeing nigger in united states

Zeihan is a faggot. Do you trust faggots, user?

>Russia threatens to carpet bomb us like 5 times a week
Sources pls.

These retard MPs are a kind of internal chimp out squad who say stupid things for internet use later.

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this are pretty based border desu ngl

Mostly Zhirinovsky lunatic mumbling


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that's what women and nu/pol/ retards do.
They look at their emotions.
They looked at meaningless videos coming out of China, and when you tried to show them ILI Surveillance Data they called you a SHILL.
They predicting Trump would win the election.
Then that the election would be overturned.
When they reacted to Reddit and Twitter and major News Networks saying that the virus maybe was a bit deadly, they then changed their tune.

The only way they can orientate is through Reacting - just see how the browncel nu/pol/ retards know nothing about Russia, nothing about Putin, but imagine Ukraine is some sort of tranny pozz country (while they think Russia isn't lol).

White Men don't go by such emotions.

Should someone tell him ? Ok, I take care of the hard part. user, listen. 90% of worlds Jews are from former Russian Empire. Yes, 90%. They had their Israel inside the borders of Russian Empire. Then they argued about Jewish things, I don't know what they were. Many of them migrated to US, even more migrated to create country of Israel. These were called Zionists. The remaining group created another new country, Soviet Union. They were called Bolsheviks. These Bolsheviks especially had much love for security apparatus. They called it NKVD, little later renamed it to KGB and then to FSB. Putin is one of them.

If he dies, it will be a great loss. A man like him is rare. He' s delivered so many lulz. God, I'm going to cry.

NATO members yes. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova etc are highly doable.

furthermore it was much of nu/pol/ retards, egged on by their similarly REPEATEDLY ENTIRELY INCORRECT conmen such as Gonzalo Retardo Coach Spic Pill and the likes, where they said
Well it's Zeihan who correctly predicted Russia would invade Ukraine 8 fucking years ago.
Between nu/pol/
>virus is deadly and will wipe out populations
>injection is deadly and will wipe out populations
>trump will win
>election will be overturned
>russia won't invade ukraine
or Zeihan making CORRECT PREDICTIONS, if you're going to use 'Trust' then at least be intelligent enough to see who is repeatedly incorrect and who is correct.

Having some Jewish origins isn't the same as fighting under a literal 100% Jewish president who is supported by Soros and wants peace talks in Israel kek, wake me up when Putin wants anything to do with Israel...
Did this board completely forget about Syria?

It’s geostrategically correct but seems to disregard that the Baltics and Pooland are members of NATO.


I may jerk off tomorrow, or not

China would ally with NATO and launch their own offensive on Russia. NATO would btfo Russia in Europe. Russia would lose territory both in the west and the east, way more in the east of course.

This is the dream desu, west should install some complete shcizos in Putin's inner circles to make this happen.

I hope he's right and Romania gets rekt next.

Russia is the literal kike country apart from Isreal

If Russia is acting on this Zeihan nonsense, that they are afraid of europoans invading them, then thats stupid. Europe has no incentive or ability to invade Russia. For what?

>China would ally with NATO and launch their own offensive on Russia. NATO would btfo Russia in Europe.
yeah and china would be next on the chopping block.
nice thinking, brainlet.

worked with GROM in 2013-14... those boys do not fucking play around lol memes aside the Poles are tough as shit, Russians would get fucking mogged


>global military special operation on demilitarization & denazification
>denazification of Poland and Kazakhstan
Why do they insist on these retarded buzzwords? Why can't these clowns have at least a shred of honesty and say openly it's about restoring their empire?