Can somebody explain the mass psychosis around ukraine...

Can somebody explain the mass psychosis around ukraine? How did they convince hundreds of millions of americans to give a fuck about some corrupt slavnigger shithole? I don't think I've ever seen anything else quite like this. Even world war 2 didn't have this much enthusiasm in america. For the record I think both ukraine and russia are subhuman shitholes that deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth. They all deserve what they get for allowing themselves to be subjugated by deranged commies 100 years ago.

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>How did they convince hundreds of millions of americans to give a fuck about some corrupt slavnigger shithole?
Americans are stupid. You get your penises cut in half when you're born and spend the rest of your lives defending it.

The west isn't defending Ukraine. No one gives a shit about Ukraine. What we are defending is the right of nations not to be invaded by others for the purpose of gaining territory.

Putin has to leave, bottom line. Not only does have to leave; he also has to give up Crimea; which the west was perfectly willing for him to keep until he tried to take another bite of the apple.

To those who have quoted the movie "The Godfather" for 50 years, this is what they mean when they say "need to stop it now, like we should have done with Hitler in Munich.

Putin tried to be a baddass, and destroyed himself in the process

Sex with kids. They lost alot of sex, thus they are angry at russia.

Because 90% if not more are retarded NPC's. They'll think and feel whatever the mainstream tells them just to fit in.

the money, media, and government powers became the same entity.
then they created fear and terror.
then they gave the fearful someone to blame.
then they offered a way for the fearful to take revenge.

that's it. you can complicate it if you want, but fundamentally that's the strategy that's been used for thousands of years. it works every time.

Simple as.

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It's been great if you invested in boomer oil and fertilizer companies. I made several thousands flipping these otherwise boring stocks.

>What we are defending is the right of nations not to be invaded by others for the purpose of gaining territory.
>Which is the entire purpose of life.
You, user, are an idiot. War, (and conflict in general) is the natural state of things. Peace due to compliance is slavery. You shame your ancestors and the gods themselves. Correct this mistake.

>How did they convince hundreds of millions of americans to give a fuck about some corrupt slavnigger shithole?
Easy, they download personality each day from one social media or another.
A 27 year old man in a relationship, actually verbalised white fragility and the power structure without bursting out laughing, to me last week.
NPC's are so far gone and the vax pushed them over the edge, there is no coming back for society.

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You've never seen this before? Seriously? Nigger were you asleep the past several years? Wtf was covid? Or net neutrality? Every couple years these jewish fucks scam the world on something to take greater and greater control

I've never seen white people in bong land sit like that once but I've seen it alot in Russia and Ukraine.
What's with the squat?

>How did they convince hundreds of millions of americans to give a fuck about some corrupt slavnigger shithole

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>Can somebody explain the mass psychosis around ukraine?
After two years of psychosis over flu this should not be surprising.

Because we're living in 21st century and we supposed to grow past the waging wars against the neighbors

The human race learned nothing

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Because Russia threatened to nuke us you fat POS

chekked and heilhitlerd

also exactly, mass formation psychosis is real and in effect

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Ok, if war is natural and ok, then it should be fine for us to keep pouring money into Ukraine to fuck up and bleed Russia as much as possible. Breaking one of our major rivals is within our national interest, as it gives us more power.

Everyone's lives are shit, so they need a distraction.
Their lives are going to get worse, but if they can meme themselves doing something for the cause, they feel less bad, this is the entire premise of religion by the way.
You're seeing the new religion in action.
It's a religion in every way but name.

See part b

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that is currently what we are doing nigger

Oops. Wrong pic. Digits parlayed to this pic rel.

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Slav squat real? Is there wide spread squatting in Russia?