Jimmy Dore

Is Jimmy Dore unironically a Putin puppet?

Even the best on the left just repeat RT propaganda. Making excuses for an invasion.



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He's someone's puppet and that someone is aligned with Putin no doubt about that

>making excuses for an invasion
you dont need a reason to invade. if war is bad and undermines demuhcracy and freedumb then reasons are inconsequential right?

The fact he's repeated a number of Kremlin conspiracy theories is telling.

Yeah Jimmy Dore is a Putin lover. Russian spy. He loves Putin defender of PutinHe doesn't even want to bomb Russia. What a pussy..

I'm surprised he's considered left since his and my views are pretty close and I'm considered alt-right.

Shills stay seething. Jimmy may be unfunny but for a leftist he's dispensing a lot of redpills.

It's almost like you and him both lack a consistent political philosophy and just want to violently tear down shit and be edgy online.

The (((Grayzone zone)))

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Anyone who doesn’t unquestionably kowtow in favor of the Ukraine (The Current Thing/Designated Good Guy) is labeled a Russian agent. Tucker, Dore, w/e. People are acting like Schizos.

>number of Kremlin conspiracy theories is telling.

Which one's? Or do you mean talking points?

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everyone who says the truth is a putin puppet

e.g. biolabs

Look at all these shills. I bet you watch the young t*rks.
Jimmy is based and so is Putin and you can cope and seethe about it all you want.

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what exactly are you doing here, faggot?

discussing politics, friend :)

He is the only one who just says what he thinks instead of all the other sheep who just follow the popular trend.

I'm talking about criticism of both Russia and the west. This guy talks about how outlets like the Grayzone are just Marxist Russia shills.

bitchute.com/video/KeY2r8ium67r/ via bitslide

This is the new McCarthyism and everybody is fine with it. Scary how nobody ever learns from history and just repeats it.

Leftoid here. Dore is an absolute idiot, but he's our idiot. He will never read a single book and will always be a contrarian boomer screaming into the void. Also at this point he has more right-wing fans than left-wing ones.

Unrelated but Graham Elwood flipped out at Dore again after their vaccine debate:



Just a niche grifter, like the rest of them. Anyone still on Youtube isn't your friend. If you knew that, you wouldn't be unironically posting on Any Forums. Left and Right mean nothing to high finance, you dumb niggers.

That's why I'm pissed off, he or someone else should be better. Whitney Webb is good.

Intellectually-minded leftists usually don't host talk shows. The best the left has to offer from a holistic standpoint is Zizek, and even he has his issues.

The Jimmy Dore subreddit doesn't censor. They openly allow "Antisemitism" and Nazi sympathy


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