Aspiring Young Lawyer’s Instagram Found

This fine young man is being immortalized with news extensive coverage. He is taking up time on major news networks that could be used to discuss real issues, making this a valid political issue.

Do you whipe your ahh Any Forums?

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God was lifting him up to heaven and slipped. RIP

He wasn't an aspiring lawyer, he was an aspiring athlete.

He was going to be the first doctor astronaut to visit planet chicken

the caption says
>i don't wipe my ass because i don't let shit bother me

probably true. niggers are animals

Jus so he could get ta collage an git hims degree

Wtf is it saying? Is this the groid with the shitbull?

How does that nigger have car keys? I thought he was only 14 years old.

>Ay nigga set photon torpedas ta fry

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bitch woke up and chose to go outside looking like this, fucking walking dead looking ass


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Those boxers look mad comfy desu

but also lmao is this actually how melanin enriched zoomers communicate?

Video with sound

can someone translate that nigger speak? and what does #PPFKL(frisbee emoji) mean?

indeed, rip in peace

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so pol no celebrating the death of a kid? wow how pathetic you have to be to be this morally low


Show flag


Fuck you and your enormous dead nigger

Translation to a human language:
I am very calm and do not let anything bother me, so I do not wipe my butt after using the bathroom. (it's a pun, "I don't let shit bother me")

how is my flag going to change anything? if im indain will this make my comment less true?

thank you user. they should pay for that knowledge.


Any Forums has an inferiority complex. Oh, they're more than likely kids themselves.. Also, it's a long held racist practice of black adolescence being treated like adults instead giving them the charitability like they give every other kind of kid. But he's black so they assume he's some urbanized hardened future criminal, who's already "grew up too fast" so there's no charitable or even benefit if the doubt.

Any Forums is full of tiny dicked racists

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>ion whipe my ass nigga

this poster woke up and chose to come here and talk like the niggers he berates, imagine that

so what? kid being kid...

He was 14

>retard can't understand a simple metaphor