
Attached: Elon Musk.png (598x162, 23.1K)

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He actually has the tools to do a proper social media, not some retarded right-wing circlejerk.

Is he the controlled opposition hero we deserve?

Would it be another portal full of leftists, or would it actually respect freedom of speech? I can't predict Musk to be honest.

How is gab not enough?

Rumble wants to link up.
Sneed it or Feed it?

It would literally be Reddit in Twitter form

There are like 3 other right wing twitter knockoffs that most people ignore anyway do we really need another one?

Would Elon Musk allow me to redpill zoomers about Jews and niggers?

>this time it will be different
the problem is social media itself, even if we can say nigger on it

>is a new platform needed
for what?


Oh shit no way:


Elon Musk is redpilled. He has to play along with wokeism because of his position.
But if you have paid attention to some of the things he said and keep in mind he came from South Africa it's pretty clear that he's redpilled.

Another establishment puppet.

Elon should buy up the majority share of Twitter stock and clean house.

To not have faggots on Twitter determine the political discourse.
Compared to the small number of people actually posting on Twitter their political reach is ridiculous.
Trump made a big mistake by staying there after getting elected and making them even more powerful.

You should clean your own house, you filthy degenerate.

I've got an important question:
will I be able to write "nigger" without me getting banned?

Elon needs to be ovened

We all know you won't be able to name the Jew on it.

Attached: babby.jpg (389x388, 21.63K)

>right wing
Sometimes I'm starting to think that these days, there's just left wing, and leftier wing.

That's practically impossible. Wokeism is ingrained in the company culture.
You can't work against the majority or even just a plurality of your employees.

Well, maybe it's possible over a longer period by replacing wokesters in leading positions.

The fact that he pinned the tweet too means it’s something that he’s been thinking about a lot. I don’t know if I can trust him though but keep in mind this dude is a mega autist so by that alone he’s got to be somewhat in tune with things.

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An other place where I can call people faggots and niggers? Neat.

Because most of Gab's user base are Q tards

>Is a new platform needed?

I would prefer less social media, but anything that hurts twitter is a good start.

Social media doesn't work if people don't use it, any non woke platform would barren or literally Any Forums

He's a transhumanist working on freaking chips that turn you fake and gay.

>the "platform" is the problem

normies will never learn, can't hate the guy for taking advantage of em

the only reason twitter and faceberg were any good is because for a few years everyone was on them and you could do pretty much anything. you will never get that again. its over.

Elon can't stop being based, i wanna suck his cock so badly

seeing all those wokes, npcs and bots seething about this is already entertaining
they know they will no longer be able to have their way with narratives against a system that will no longer allow their propaganda to flourish

You again? Meds

he is "redpilled" like he knows whats going on, not that he is on our side. he wants globohomo

EU will force cross-platform shitposting and it'll be good again. Just like they're forcing cross-platform chat apps now.

Gab is boring (sorry torba if you’re lurking). The reason twitter is so entertaining is because you get to interact with normies and leftoids. Gab is just an eco chamber and you can’t really interact with anyone outside of your niche online community.

What happened? Did he get backlash for that netflix tweet?

A place full of lefties but with free speech would be the most entertaining. Image sheltered safe spacers plus poltards.


I just think there was a bit of a golden age there for a few years and people will spend the rest of their lives trying to chase that high but it will never be the same.

Democrats are the problem and republicans are not the solution.

>new platform
sure Elon, just make sure anti-jew speech is against the rules

Normies and leftoids wont go to places that they cannot ban people who disagree with them. They are too soft. The only people walking on eggshells in their safe spaces, is you.

He's practically a eugenicist. From there it's only a stone's throw to being a race realist. I would actually be very surprised if he wasn't one.
>“Musk has talked about having more kids, and it’s on this subject that he delivers some controversial philosophizing vis-à-vis the creator of Beavis and Butt-head. “There’s this point that Mike Judge makes in Idiocracy, which is like smart people, you know, should at least sustain their numbers,” Musk said. “Like, if it’s a negative Darwinian vector, then obviously that’s not a good thing. It should be at least neutral. But if each successive generation of smart people has fewer kids, that’s probably bad, too. I mean, Europe, Japan, Russia, China are all headed for demographic implosion. And the fact of the matter is that basically the wealthier—basically wealth, education, and being secular are all indicative of low birth rate. They all correlate with low birth rate. I’m not saying like only smart people should have kids. I’m just saying that smart people should have kids as well. They should at least maintain—at least be a replacement rate. And the fact of the matter is that I notice that a lot of really smart women have zero or one kid. You’re like, ‘Wow, that’s probably not good.”

yes but he wants a different vision of Globohomo
one that is preferable to the Neo-Kiokes vision atleast
elons vision
>planet united
>move into space
These are masculine ideals

Jewish vision
>enslave the world via mutt maxxing
>kids of shit island
>own nothing
>devoid of purpose
>devoid of exploration and masculinity

I am always skeptical of Musk's projects, but this seems to be something he is actually capable of doing without bullshit. The only thing is he has so many fucking projects going on.

no new platform can be made in US and claim to be free and unbiased, they are still subject to US laws

Only real free social network can either be "pirate" one run from who knows where, or user distributed anonymous network.

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File: Elon Musk.png (23 KB, 598x162)
23 KB
Anonymous (ID: VWOGTY5+) 03/26/22(Sat)13:27:44 No.369443789▶ He actually has the tools to do a proper social media, not some retarded right-wing circlejerk.
Anonymous (ID: GZSuwEuz) 03/26/22(Sat)13:29:02 No.369443993▶
Is he the controlled opposition hero we deserve?
Anonymous (ID: +2Z43pEI) 03/26/22(Sat)13:29:47 No.369444118▶ Would it be another portal full of leftists, or would it actually respect freedom of speech? I can't predict Musk to be honest.
Anonymous (ID: oR2zSNBt) 03/26/22(Sat)13:32:21 No.369444508▶ (OP)
How is gab not enough?
Anonymous (ID: yn0/GlVL) 03/26/22(Sat)13:32:26 No.369444520▶

You can

It is called a stick

Caught them being a nigger

Send them packing

There are various platforms already, but Twatter has the network effect. He would do better by buying it and unpozzing it.

lmao this fat piece of crap's platform would fail just as much as trump's platform, and he craves attention way too much to give twitter up

reminder that is the guy who tries to track down people who criticize him online to have them fired

you dont seem to understand, yes he is a race realist. he also is on the side that you are goyim and deserve to be mongrelized by niggers
space is a kike grift mutt

haha I beat E-loon to it: fuzzy-umbrella.surge.sh
I call it the schizo ring. Too slow eloooooonn
also, pic rel, Elon is a fagget

Attached: eloooooooon.jpg (1254x1390, 347.22K)

I was hoping he’d just buy Twitter

>another social media site
There are already new media sites, don't need more conservative echo chambers, was he not just saying he would buy twitter few days ago? Anyway he is a moron.

They come here

twatter only gained traction because 99% of (((journalists))) use it as their personal chat room. they're not going to move to a new platform

>you dont seem to understand, yes he is a race realist. he also is on the side that you are goyim and deserve to be mongrelized by niggers
What's your evidence for that? I think the quote I posted proves he exactly doesn't want that.

Twatter for all it's bullshit has a very diverse userbase. I created an account to troll lefties but ended up getting sucked into scientists and smart people who are redpilled on the corona scam. It's better than /pol for that when you follow the right people.

he's not talking about twitter you numbskull, he's talking about gab, parler and other cuckservative garbage that does not even respect free speech

If it actually supports free speech it will be right wing. It will be another controlled opposition honeypot though.

>>right wing
not what he meant retard, he was referring to all the shitty "truther" platforms like parler, gab and whatever trumps one is called


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I'm just not gonna use it (corporate owned social media)
I just dont want to is all

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