Circumcision Redpills

Got into an argument with my father about male genital mutilation. Give me redpills about circumcision.

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circumcision removes sensitivity in exchange for massive girth/length
it's a trade off you'll have to decide what's worth more to you. smegma points or sizepoints.

>cutting off a portion of your dick makes it bigger
this is the most retarded post i've read all year

Jews traditionally bury their kid's foreskin under a tree. So if you go somewhere with lots of Jews, many of the trees there have foreskins buried underneath them

whats to redpill?
why the fuck would you cut off part of a babys dick? are you fucking retarded?
kids aren't supposed to pull their foreskin back until maturity its physically bonded on there as one thing. cleanliness is not an argument for anyone capable of showering even once a week. you don't cut your arms and legs off to stop sweaty pits do you
utterly insane retardation

Recently I learnt that more than 70% of American men are circumcised. Also, circumcision is voluntary so their parents choose to do that to their children. Question - Are Americans retarded?

Circumcision actually makes the penis smaller because the skin isn't of sufficient size

The fuck

Yes my parents are retarded. If I ever have a son his penis shall remain whole

this dude is retarded some advantages of circumcision are a cleaner dick since no skin fold to hold smegma and made you more prone to infection, circumcision people are less prone to get aids and some other stds too (according to some studies). Still the head skin gets more coarse like normal skin since is not protected from the air, so less sensible. (studies says that sensibility doesn't change, but I doubt it) and you have an incision too and might not look nice. Solution, don't cut your dick and wash it like a normal person

You have to be one sick puppy to mutilate child's genitalia.

Honest question. Why do Jews carry out circumcision if it's bad?

It's calloused due to constant chafing and rubbing up against coarse clothing

>some advantages of circumcision are a cleaner dick since no skin fold to hold smegma and made you more prone to infection
Heard of running water? I haven't had smegma since I was a clueless teen. YOU CAN WASH YOUR DICK WITH WATER. IT WORKS. YOU ARE NOT SOME DESERT NOMAD, TURN THE FAUCET ON.

Circumcision is for people with poor hygiene

The foreskin doesn't make the penis smaller because it's just skin, you retard. On the other hand, if you cut the frenulum

Literally to punish the men and to make sex less enjoyable for all involved.
The rabbis who made circumcisions slowly shift from a pin prick to a minor removal of skin, to a total or near total removal have said as much

Oh nooooooooo another cheese dick thread.

>Circumcision actually makes the penis smaller because the skin isn't of sufficient size

totally wrong. Cutting the foreskin does not change the size of the penis, it is just skin. Cutting the foreskin could even make your penis grow a few millimeters but it is something imperceptible since there is no skin that retains the complete erection of the penis

this is what I said faggot, but OP there is only one reason when circuimcison is justified for medical, and is if you suffer from phimosis, basically you are not able to retract the skin, and get your gland out, (it can hurt and cause urinal infections) but is not really common, in that case is better if you get circumcised

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it is easier to keep the penis clean and germ-free without a foreskin because infections can spread to places where the foreskin tissue prevents cleaning

Then why you're still dicklet?
And reminder that "massive" starts from 20cm(8")

I had a partial phimsosis and only got circumcised at age 21. The pain was fucked up after the surgery.

Also, the phimosis fucked up my whole life due to problems with sex early on. If I had been circumcised at birth, my life would have been great.

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There's more than enough ways to cure phimosis, starting from steroid-based cremes and so on

It increases the chances of ED. I don't give a fuck about the studies done by jewish doctors. Look at the countries where viagra makes most their sales and make up your own mind