The fertility rate of India is 2.0 and dropping. The only people breeding are Muslims...

The fertility rate of India is 2.0 and dropping. The only people breeding are Muslims. Eventually India will be an extension of Pakistan.

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muslim fertility is dropping too

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For muslims it's dropping faster but they started at a higher base. Hindus are still >80% of population

This is just the beginning. If the Hindus wake up they will start breeding as well. Islam will not expand beyond its current borders. It can never be a global religion.

The solution to overpopulation is to lower the percentage of the population engaged in procreation. The current rates are unsustainable.

That's it. We should have been breeding like rabbits back in the 60s and 70s. That is when we had the highest percentage of college graduates and the unemployment rate was only 6%. Now it's over 7% unemployment and very few college graduates. We have a huge demographic problem. People aren't working and the working class is not reproducing.

while the world will be occupied by ww3, we will genocide the muslims in India

In two weeks?

Two decades

about fucking time.

the sterilization program should have continued. If they trade their ability to sneed to a fucking radio so what are we to judge?

Insha Vishnu we will rid this land of goatfuckers.

> Bihar and UP have literal africa tier TFR
Only the worst type of people are breeding. We need a eugenics program

Everywhere is experiencing this... and its a good thing because theres too many people on the planet.. every race should still exist, but with less people, living standards will be higher for everyone

the only problem is that africans are breeding like rabbits and they are going to ruin everything by migrating everywhere

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Doesn't like a good half of India's population despise Muslims? Sounds like it'd turn into some civil war shit

Everywhere development spreads fertility drops like a rock.
Whites appear to be the most resistant in the world.
The leaked Chinese data shows that the Chinese are basically going to disappear within half a dozen generations at this rate.
In the west the immigrant birth rate drops below native by 3rd or even 2nd generation.
This makes sense as whites have gone through very harsh conditions of selection.
But, still, it's the general pattern of the only people who reproduce are the dumbest and the smartest.
So we are entering a world where the real split will be masses of Useless Eaters, then a very small minority elites.

This is why so much of the shit people focus on is completely irrelevant, we are entering a new world - at least for as long as civilisation continues.

Africans are immigrating to literal shitholes like India and China. And they are all the same wherever they go

like people talking about Nationalism - it's irrelevant. A nation of what? 80iq Useless Eaters who live off gibs?
Communism is irrelevant as there is no proletariat, there is no worker, it's just 80iq Useless Eaters. Not only there's no job for them, but they're not competent healthy people who would be any good at doing a job.

Only 13% of the population is Muslim but they’re responsible for 50% of the rapes

Already the case in South Asia
Over a third is muslim and under 30 it’s higher
Hindus are just alil over a billion
And sikhs buddhists and christians are dying out now
Why listen to whites and Jews about breeding? Israel has a good fertility rate
Muslims are smart to not listen while everyone ages they’ll just move right in
It’s like kafirs are put on earth to serve Muslims
Guess it’s karma for the oppression from last couple of years
Love jihad helps alil

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Muslim fertility has fell from 3.8 to 2.4.
Hindu TFR is around 2.0.
Christian TFR is 1.8.
Sikh TFR is 1.6.
Jain TFR is 1.2.
Zoroastrian TFR is 0.4.

>the only problem is that africans are breeding like rabbits and they are going to ruin everything
I hate niggers so much, the dumb basterds are still having 7-9 kids in some countries. I really really hope a famine wipes them out

Into kaffir pussy to make more Muslims
End of the century india will be Pakistan

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Overcrowding in cities is the real issue
Japan learned to be more efficient having the population almost to Russia but on an island 1/3 of bc and uses 15% of the land

It wouldn't matter. Young Indian Muslims are moving away from their religion fast. Indian government sponsors foreign education for young Indian Muslim women where they go to foreign countries and end up taking as much white dick as possible LMAO. Just look at government spending on Muslim female education, it's got from 1.4 billion USD in 2011 to 130 billion USD.

Indian government literally sponsors Indian Muslimahs to take white cock abroad.

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Kek won’t happen. You couldn’t handle them then and you can’t handle the brits. All your best athletes and fighters are Muslims or Sikh
Hindus can’t even kick a soccer ball and will lose to inbreds
Hindus barely repped 50% of India’s military in ww2 . Muslims 3x over for their population and sikhs too
Veganism will let you get ass raped again by next invader

Found the hindjews

Not as bad Hindu women here dude.easiest Indian girls next to christians and they blow paki white and black dick to spite their dads
Muslims in college tend to rock together
And that girl is meh here don’t be a cuck

Think it’s a cope I barely saw hijabs growing up here now I see young ones running around in them
Either they double down or go an mutt up the white race