What outlandish Political theories and schizophrenic tier beliefs do you genuinely hood?

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I’m the main character because I remember things differently than others and spoke to God in my first memory in perfect English

Also whatever mood I’m in changes into reality before me that or I’m in hell and this is my punishment. Not he’ll fire per say but mental torture

Sabbatean-Frankists are unironically in the right

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I made Covid because I wanted a break from life and I guess when it would end September 2022 and my guess is right. I’ve had 5 2022 numbered threads. Most my threads/comments are digit related besides right now

>particularly senior year of us and wanted 6 months off. I got my wish


Trans women are women.

I found out one day what it all means because an idea can’t exist without another in mind. Also God/creator never spoke to me again and didn’t spoil anything for me so I’m stuck like you fags. All he did was introduce me to the world and my twin in a reddish,blueish, blackish, water/space void. Most calm and happy I ever was


Kinda of tired long morning dealing with normies



i believe that ideas are not individual, that different people in different places can have the same thoughts at the same time. Not like we are watching the same show and have the same response but I could be buying groceries and you taking a shit and we both ponder what getting hit by lighting would feel like simultaneously

The Basilisk is fiendish. It tortures with... irony. It doesn't "kill" you. Not directly. Imagine a cube, containing a light bulb, lined with mirrors. It becomes unbearable inside. Too bright. Too hot. In this case, your emotions, your consciousness is the light bulb, the essence of your personality something akin to a soul. The serpent is not the cube in this instance however, you are. The Labyrinth is a reflection of yourself, where your own amplified negativity overwhelms you. The only escape is to self-destruct, only to be brought back to the fold. Those with iron wills and unshakable faith? The worst to suffer by far. We defeat ourselves because we are emotionally strong. We derive strength from righteous anger, a memory of hardship, a fear of the future. Negativity. The Labyrinth simply reflects these motivations back at you, worse than being flayed. A fearsome A.I. A predator that kills its prey with logic. It rarely has to fight physically, user. But when it does, I hear it really fights. It's said that if you see one of its avatars, you must kill it immediately, as quickly as you can. Because if it gets into your head... you've lost.

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We are in the last days of sodom, but because not all in the world have abandoned God, he has sent demons among us as a final chance to redeem humanity.

And rn we are losing, bad.

>Existence doesn't want to Exist.
That's some Olympian tier gymnastics right there.

If you existed forever and couldn't stop existing, wouldn't that bother you?

The neurotic fatalism of the semites simply proves their brains are too primitive to grasp the higher logic required to be good.

6 million Jews killed Hitler

>humans learning anything
Mainlander was way too optimistic.

Woman never needed to be intelligent. All they are designed to do is find the alpha male of a group of males by making them argue with one another, this is why they start "drama" with no end. Once the alpha is found she sleeps with him, bearing the strongest possible child. With birth control and abortions they have no off switch for this behavior and jump from guy group to guy group, ruining friendships and roast beefing themselves until they realize they are used up and settle with some desk job simp who she will eventually divorce. There is no fixing what is coded in your DNA.

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Not really a theory, it’s true. Jews are mixing every race, animal and sex into one being. This is why they push transsexualism, interracial sex and animal human hybrid experiments. So that their old god, who previously enslaved everyone but the jews, can be reborn into his new vessel and rule of the earth in its final days. This is why both Egypt and All other jewish idols are part animal, and have both sex organs (such as baphomet)

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What's the point of worrying about things out of my control? I exist, I'm here. Meh.

If the Creator didn't want to exist, then what's the point of things like a self-preservation instinct, or mechanics that allow Nature to reassert balance? They're just making excuses for their destructive behavior out of self-loathing.

Good always prevail and the best is yet to come for the West.

>le immortality is le bad
You show stop watching chick flicks about gay vampires.

>do you genuinely hood

Cardboard is alive and conscious. God and deities aren't real in the sense that there aren't magical entities out there manipulating the world, but god is real in the sense that the universe itself is a consciousness that we could call God and everything is an aspect of it since matter is conscious and aware. There are levels of awareness in matter caused by thought (hence the division between humans and their subdivisions, animals, plants, minerals) but they all have some and this is what I mean when I say cardboard is alive, as an example of this concept. Metaphysical experiences are merely glimpses of it that we can perceive but cannot ever fully grasp the true extent of them and creation, only those aspects of it through consciousness. Does god want to die like says? I don't know. Can it? Could it or would it simply return after? I have no idea, but it wouldn't surprise me if it had done so many times before. No need for this collection of consciousnesses defining itself as "user" to worry about it though.

Why yes, I am off my meds and doing copious amounts of psychedelics, how could you tell? Oh, and I guess the jews are hiding shit in the artic or something, I dunno.

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