What's your opinion about J.P ?

He is probably the only Canadian I will ever respect.

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intellectualist, in other words an idealistic faggot who thinks he's better than you.

He needs to stop crying about everything

A good man, even though he doesn't talk about immigration and race. If everyone just followed his advice we wouldn't be having these problems in the first place.

Neurotic drug addict who tells everyone else how to live.

He is definitely better than you

Literally Hitler.


>intellectualist, in other words an idealistic faggot who thinks he's better than you.

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Meme flag slide thread. Man who is an addict and can’t even raise a daughter properly should not be in any position to be giving young people advice.

turned out to be a Putin's shill. Fuck him and his whoring daughter.

deeply troubled, but very intelligent.
i sympathise and empathise.

Idealistic faggot detected. J.P is so weak he got hooked on heroine meds.


I don't think much of him and don't see the appeal. I respect him for taking a stand against trannys but other than that he just seems a charlatan.

how is he a putin shill? this guy was (briefly) talking about Canada's actual problems and getting a lot of views, then like clockwork (along with everyone else) he stopped talking about this completely, in favor of interviewing a neo con PNAC guy who advocated for Iraq war, to tell us all about putin's evil deeds
Like most boomers JP can't accept that the institutions are corrupted beyond repair. He seems to think that it is just a matter of electing the right politician. Frankly he should've stuck to his areas of expertise instead of becoming a political talking head. His work on myth is very good and he is quite a clever guy.
Peterson cares more about views and popularity than he does about the truth, maybe he thinks his message will help people or something but not getting canceled seems to be his primary objective

>gets snowballs banned in canada because his son cried after getting owned in a snowball fight

>only canadian I will ever respect
Bitch please

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He's ba gatekeeper. His job is to appeal to people who're starting to see through the lies and say "yes, yes, all these things you've noticed are real, BUT the solution isn't to be racially conscious as a white man, that's evil. Pay no attention to why this is happening or who's doing it, and focus on improving yourself as an individual." It's the same principle as the "patriots are in control / trust the plan" Q shit. Acknowledge enough truth to get dissidents to trust you, then redirect them towards something meaningless.

>improving yourself is meaningless

He's based, that being said he's not the only Canadian I'll ever respect because there's plenty of respectable Sikh personalities there.

My fucking mom listens to his shit all the time now ever since she saw him on Dr. Oz. All I hear are his lectures everytime I leave the room. It's also all she ever talks about now.

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He wrote smart.book...

Oh you think you are better because you want to le illegal to call you something different that want you want today.

Why don't you shut the fuck up and start cleaning your room

This is correct. The kike shill should have stayed out of politics and stick to his job as a psychiatrist teacher. His takes on politics is retarded.