What is this?
Any Forums x is a tool that allows user to filter or block threads containing certain content to improve the quality of the board and starve shills into submission.

How does it work?
Simply install Greasemonkey for Firefox or just the extension for chrome. Then download Any Forums x and then add your own custom filters. You will know the filter is working when the catalog lists "x hidden threads" at the top left of the browser.

You can thank me later. Right now, filter CHUG, because they want to filter YOU.

Attached: 1648146719199.jpg (1842x1358, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get back to me when you have a method of gassing them.

>see chug thread
>literally keep scrolling

Legit what is even the point of a filter. Do you not know how to use the catalogue?

>shills telling you to hide the other shills
I hate you all so much

Attached: 1648231305746.webm (544x960, 1.15M)

>filter the threads that don’t follow the media narrative

>the same media that lies about literally everything all the time

>but aren’t lying about Ukraine

I shiggy diggy

What the fuck is that?

Attached: 1416592997101.gif (292x323, 484.88K)

>he needs filters

Faggots assblasted that the real Any Forums thread has 5x the unique IPs of your 77th CIA brigade thread kek

A literal bot farm

>filter the real Any Forums thread and not the Any Forumsnigger thread
Check both you can tell who are the Any Forumsfags by the way they talk and the memes they post. It’s not about who you support. /uhg/ is all shitty Ukraine having anal sex with Russia memes, gore that they all laugh at, unpalatable self righteousness, and worst of all Pollacks

>thread that i dont have to enter makes me upset in my baby brain
>i have to filter it so this place is as friendly as my favorite subreddit
kill yourself faggot

>NATO cucks right now

Attached: super-copium.jpg (903x500, 82.7K)

CHUG best thread

Attached: Screenshot (24816).png (1366x768, 859.39K)

Any Forums x is not actively monitored. Do you trust some random user?

whAT am I looking at here?

Good, I will filter UHG.

Nah, its best to keep it there. They are all unvaxxed. You can see who is behind what according to their vaxx status.
The same morons who got fake vaccinated are behind /uhg/ (the same ones that were behind /cvg/). Basically ValentProjects & Breadtube are gaslit by glowniggers into supporting Ukraine. Its all here.

Good work breadtube, Valent Projects, Fusion Centres and 77th! Will we bring /cvg/ back after this little side show is over? Whats the word with bunkertran too? Do we keep shilling for Ukraine or move back to /cvg/?

Attached: vaccine ukraine breadtube.png (1280x960, 523.21K)

Nah /chug/ is awesome. /uhg/ is filled with 77th faggots (that should be shot for treason for what they have done with the fake vaccines to their own people).

you should be filtered you are poltically correct.

We will only know who is right after this ends. /k/ or Any Forums only time will tell

way ahead of you

Attached: team rooskie.jpg (400x146, 16.37K)

Chug is better than uhg
It goes in all fields

/k/ seethes at anything Russian after having been broken by Armatard