How come families in the 60's and 70's could have one parent working supporting a family of 6 yet today's peoples can't...

How come families in the 60's and 70's could have one parent working supporting a family of 6 yet today's peoples can't even afford a house, even with two earners and no kids?

Attached: babyonemoretime.jpg (250x253, 7.83K)

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If wealth ever became general, it would confer no distinction, you little useless eater fuck.

Come on shitlord, feminism has liberated us from such opression, now women are free to work and have their own income. They are also free to hand it over to their overlords so that they have a roof over their heads, provided they share it with their BF/friends/whatever so that they can actually afford the rent. Good thing that children are not a possibility thanks to that, it would ruin the planet.

What a shit time the 60s in america were amirite user?

Attached: 9seO2Le.jpg (400x400, 15.31K)

Morons thought of houses as an investment and housing as an industry that contributes to the GDP.

Shit were cheaper, and wages higher. Also they didn't spend money on lattes, iPhones, makeup, and designer shoes, and put in a lot of hard labour.

Women got pushed into the workforce more. Immigration cheapened wages even further. Market meddling by government made things more expensive and the 70s stagflation forced people out of modernism financially and the 90s-2000s culturally.

the value of work went down after the workforce has been doubled


le globalism has arrived

The Fed. /thread

Ron Paul, Any Forums


I shot so many ropes to this picture of Britney back in the day. The Wall is a bitch.


Attached: gold_standard_wages.jpg (800x513, 72.41K)

The Bible was banned in public schools in 1963. It's been downhill from there.

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income was greater compared to cost of living.

By banks.
Now look at who runs these banks.

Taxes for the reach

Because women entered the work force, doubling it, and pay went way down. Now you NEED two earners in a household most of the time.

Jews, Niggers and women unironically. Women started to enter the workforce in mass. This completely fucled up the supply and demand for jobs, meaning that big corpo jews had more workers at their disposal but since they were more segmented and numerous, they couldn't organize to set a proper price for their time. This plus having less demand and more supply means that wages would only stagger while production climbed.
Now the thing with niggers is that they began to accept goverment aid for being dirty niggers, at the same time movies and music started using niggers to make other niggers think that they are big niggers who need to be paid for being niggers by white people. And so a "transfer" of wealth began from working white people to niggers but niggers would only waste that money on jew corpos becausw that's what the Hollywood, sport and music nigger jew told them to do. So the nigger never grew and became even poorer.

Attached: ZJ2sQmwm.png (315x306, 72.82K)

Nixon got rid of the Gold standard

>Import the entire 3rd world
>Suddenly average productivity falls to the point where a single average income can't afford a home
>Affirmative action for 3rd worlders so they can still afford a home on a single income, further increasing the cost for European diaspora
Fuck this

You have to price out the niggers, since freedom of association is illegal. Otherwise you can find loads of 4-5 bedroom houses for 50k, what is stopping you ?

What you describe is from a combination of factors. For one, women entering the workforce suppressed wages more and more over time because they started competing with men for their jobs. Also, the enormous increase in the influx of immigrants from other countries had exactly the same effect at the same time. Further, equal opportunity hiring laws gave women and minorities a huge advantage additional advantage. Still further, the inflation of the dollar and the huge inflation in real estate and utility costs hugely exacerbated the cost of living. So, lower effective wages relative to the value of the dollar stopped covering a single earner's ability to afford a proper living standard on their own. It began requiring two wage earners for the vast, vast majority of people to afford.

Attached: cheers.jpg (1988x2048, 441.12K)

They didn't waste money on luxuries. When I was a kid, 1 of 3, my mom would make spaghetti for the whole family and use 1 lb of hamburger for it. I also wore my older brothers hand me downs etc. I ate once at mcdonalds when I was a kid and it was a friend of the family that took us kids there. My dad did all his own auto repairs and house renos etc.