What do you think about a derussification of Russia?

What do you think about a derussification of Russia?

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How about a demuslification of Sweden?

the first good and reasonable idea I see here

That sounds about as intelligent as participating unnecessarily in a war against Russia on Russia's doorstep in 2022 seeing as you're asking and all. It's like Special Olympics level retarded. Gold medal

Its time for cobalt bomb and nuke self

Let China have their piece of them too.


>nato gets the west
>japan gets east
>china doesn’t get the south
You’d never be able to take land from Russia without giving the Chinese a taste of the action

Expect huge losses of ZOGbots in the battles of high forested area. Strategic aviation probably never ever to pass Ural mountains.

What about the demuslimification of Russia?

It indeed became necessary, soon It will be done and the cope will be glorious

Do it, pussy, our Muslims vs your Muslism.

Strategic what?
That's why yours are parked on the ground most of the time.
>100% operational aviation.

Yeah, China-numbah-one will be the right flank

This is the inevitable outcome of this retarded war. Putin ruined Russia's reputation there's no point in continue to push a dead culture.

Europoors tried it a few times in the last 200 years. It never works. Ever. This shithole is just huge.

Can we have this shit???
It looks like a great place for a prison (only for people sentenced to 10 years or more, and minorities)

Attached: mapa ruska.jpg (1588x1144, 804.85K)

How about the deararabization of Europe, cuckold?

We need Lictenstein for full encirclement.

I think its based and we start civilian wars after putin dead.i live in murmansk and ton muslims move here.WHAT THIS RETARDS WANT IN MY POLAR CIRCLE?!

they dont have time, they are currently at war with Czechia (we took some shit, and they are angry now)

Attached: Licht.jpg (1200x675, 128.24K)

I don't get it. My muttspeak is pretty weak.

>i live in murmansk
do you go on trips around?

This is bad, it was a major force and now is occupied. I've made calculations and they say Lichtenstein pulls out sonic-blitz, which captures Russia instantly.
Ohhh, sorry. I don't speak blyatniggerian.

>Putin and his corrupt friendos jailed or hanged
>The next generation of Russian political leaders appears to be more competent yet even more aggressive as NATO and China try to take their piece of cake

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Already on the way.

how about demuslification in general ?

:D :D :D :D
user wants blood in the Balkan again

I suppose it's only fair.

Already happening.


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Being aggressive without having a decent economy is just impotent rage, Ivan

Tundra is just a cold desert

Amazing, i love the landscape of the north.
So far I have been in the north of Finland, but Kola is on my list.