Aus/pol/ - celebrate vaxxie death


1 IN 10
1 IN 10


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300 million people in the world have died from the vax? It must be true because a schizo chink said so.

Vote Greens for double neetbux, and to accelerate clown world.

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mongrels get out

i'm double vaxxed

Remember when going to the beach was cool

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I draw distinction between poor vaxxie and the VAX PUSHER. So Senator Kitching was a pusher, who backed Dan in all policies, and publicly criticised tradie legends. She got what she deserved. Poor Drummer guy however, probably just did it coz Grohl or his management told him to. A life of drugs, hookers, and groupies is relatively based, and he can't be expected to check all their ID's.
Also if it ends up as little as 1 in 10 I'd regard that as a best case scenario. I'm not really convinced there are 5-6 billion people on the planet anyway. Possibly looking at hordes of bugs you may think 'there has to be billions of them', but really it's like 200 million.
But yes, no refunds. I hope more politicians start dying. They get what they deserve, and it's them that coarsened the discussion, not me.

I had my 2nd shot on November 15th 2021.

Jan 7th 2022 I noticed white patch appear overnight on my tongue, it hasn't gone away, I went to the dentist, and he shined some cancer-detection light for seeing malignancy. and said its nothing... But now its almost April and the white patch isn't gone. Im looking online for anything that looks like it, (white patches on tongue) and NOTHING I can find matches whats on my tongue.

Im starting to think this is a rare vaccine side effect.

Im 34, dont drink, dont smoke, dont put my tongue anywhere near pussy, and have good oral health.

The fact I cant find any image online that looks anything like it makes me think its some kind of immune response from the vaccine.

don't forget the car and johns identical appearance to sketches

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Too bad you took this useless and deathly shot, remember that only God can save you from death now, and even give you much more. Open and read the New Testament in a KJV Bible quick before he loses patience and let you go away

remember john podesta had long hair at the time of the disappearance

Sketch looks similar to the accused. I thought it was only the bus driver that saw him anyway?

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sorry to hear.
i would recommend getting the 9 pages of side effects from the Pfizer documents that were released and see if you can find a symptom match with one of the 1300-1400 side effects they listed.
it might take a while but it will be faster than getting a doctor to admit he doesn't know something.

load of BS there were to people

Get a load of this absolute catch of a woman. How is she single?

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the unvaccinated.. i mean, the "purebloods" on here seethe everyday that their prophecy of vaccinated people dropping dead never occurs.
>just a few more weeks vaxxie..
a year later
>just you wait a few more weeks vaxtard..
>just another week vax scum
it's fucking amusing and sad at the same time

Single mothers are good roots. They're sex deprived and will let you do things to their bodies that no man should.

Wait until she removes the roast retainers and the beef curtains hit the floor

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does anyone actually like the fooeys besides a few gen x tools ?

i fucked one once bare back but then i ran away not bad if you are desperate and feeling deeply insecure from no sex

vaxxtards and "pureblood" skitzos are the only ones who still care and neither go outside and talk to other people thank god.

I'm flirting with trannys on discord.

The bulk of us are against due to the mandates.
All of the "vaxxies are going to die" comments and threads are cunts using multiple ids to create their own propaganda and talking points.
These people are D&C shills who are here to muddy the water.
Both (((you))) and (((OP))) are 1PBTID.

>I'm flirting with trannys on discord.
we know

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implying that noone died from the vax
there is a middle ground

no thanks. I've done pretty much all i needed to.
I thought it was a troon at first, I thought the hand was their cock bulge.
Is your glock still in the garden?