How is this guy still on the air lmao

How is this guy still on the air lmao

Attached: tucker.jpg (1280x720, 70.48K)

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he doesn't say much about ((them)) is the only reason i can come up with

if he started talking about the ((international hyenas)) problem i think the government itself would move to shut him down

Puppet who pushes agendas. He's made to seem like he's one of us. More than likely has a few skeletons in his closet

Tucker the cuck

Where is the video where Tucker Carlson accuses his interviewer of being a conspiracy theorist on 9/11?
Tucker is CIA

Pressure release valve.
A lot more people would eventually start denying the holocaust if he didn't grant a platform to half-sane views.

he appeals to dumbass poor rural white trash who have been crapped on by society. He always tells them "its soo hard and unfair to be white". His audience is mostly white male losers.. divorced men.. etc.

>dumbass poor rural white trash
>white male losers
so you then.

Oy vey

He is a tucker:

If you’re a gender-diverse individual, tucking can help you feel more comfortable with your body. Whether tucking helps affirm your gender identity as trans, agender, or nonbinary, or you want to learn how to tuck for drag, we've got you covered. Read on for the safest ways to tuck with tape as well as how to untuck. We've also got the best alternatives to tucking tape, from bikini bottoms to gaffs, so you can feel comfortable and empowered.

Attached: how-to-tuck.jpg (728x546, 36.4K)

you will never be a woman

>Ship of fools, hebrew heights
Nuff said

Attached: 1617471414431.jpg (188x282, 21.32K)

the different MSM channels are all the same shit but owned by different gigantic companies
Fox: oil companies, finance industry companies
CNN, MSNBC, and so on: big pharma, green energy, big tech
basically your only choice is which flavor of corporate dick you want to suck

He's just there to manage TV-race and do damage control for jews. So when the ADL is very impopulr, it's important for the jews that they have a goy who can present """good jews""".

Attached: Tucker.jpg (593x497, 99.73K)

of fucking course the brazilian knows how to tuck

Literal VIP of comet ping pong so that's all you really need to know about him

Globohomo needs him to push their other line of bullshit. They want to own the bullshit lef and the bullshit right.

Isn't this the guy that kept saying Russia dindu nuffin for years? How is he coping with being so embarrassingly wrong?

He's entertainment television. Basically what John Stewart was during the Bush years. How fucking new are you to not see propaganda in your face? He has a demographic he caters to and they soak it up like they would a Saturday morning cartoon.

>host entertainment show
>get views
>hOw iS tHiS gUy sTiLl oN tHe aIr lMaO

Huh? He's been calling out Russia and the fake "Trump Russia" talking points for years. His been proven right time after time, which is why he has the highest rated news show on cable TV.