Durham General | Sus

>Democratic lawyer protests Durham case jurors being asked about links to Clinton promotion of ‘collusion narrative’

>Durham to produce 'large volume' of classified discovery in Steele dossier source case

>Durham has info on Italy and Leonardo Election rigging investigated by Maria Zacks

>Angelos D. Keromytis is a Professor and Georgia Research Alliance (GRA)
>Eminent Scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
>He came to Georgia Tech from DARPA, where he served as Program Manager
>in the Information Innovation Office (I2O) from 2014 to 2018

>Elections Task Force Formed by SOS Raffensperger
>Angelos D. Keromytis

>Mark Zuckerberg funded Raffensperger and CEIR non profit

>Angelos D. Keromytis
>part of Georgia Elections Taskforce
>created by Raffensperger
>Donations from Mark Zuckerberg
>Donations also to CEIR non profit for polling
>CEIR is founded by anti Trump David Becker



fr, no cap

Attached: Durham.jpg (840x699, 123.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who cares lol

I'm particularly intrigued by Zuckerberg. I've related this theory before, read it somewhere down the rabbit hole. Anyway, apparently experiments were done on increasing IQ in babies. The trick was to essentially shine lights onto mommy's womb, directed at baby brain to stimulate development. The theory goes it actually worked, and the babies born were super high IQ. Sadly as they got older it became increasingly clear they were all sociopaths, many such cases. And yes, Zuck is one of them. Presumably many industry leaders are - Musk? idk, Musk seems more aspy than sociopathy tbf.
Anyhow, when they say Zuckerberg, it's really who handles Zuck. I've no doubt his piece of shit CFO Sandberg is all up on this, and Zuck merely approves the cheques and doesn't ask too many questions. He's nerd guy, not interested really in the diversity shit, that's Sandberg.

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Up against the wall, motherfucker.

Trump Sues Hillary – Are Durham’s Latest Filings the Impetus?


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You cared so much you posted in a thread you don't care about.

This is based. Slowmo implosion of the DNC coming.

Letter to the editor: Durham's filings revealing


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That might be the least shocking part of the entire Zacks testimony

Trump phoned in to Glenn Beck this afternoon to discuss the lawsuit


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>Are Durham’s Latest Filings the Impetus?
in his own words, "that's part of it"
(he was on radio with Glen Beck when i was in the car tonight)

>Bill Barr so afraid of being impeached that he didn't do anything

I was listening to that shit at work. Was pretty unexpected I thought it was a recording of trump at first

0 people arrested
0 people tried
0 people indicted
0 people hung for treason
0 interest

Arrests or shut the fuck up
I seriously do not fucking care how obvious the scandal is, unless arrests happen I do not fucking care

But the FBI is comped.

just two more weeks and Hillary will go to prison!

Yeah we fucking know. That’s why no one cares about this shit. Until someone is actually in prison or dead nothing is happening with it. They’ll switch to a comped judge, or murder the judge’s daughter, etc. The whole system is comped, we know. That’s why reading about this dumb fucking case is so demotivating, absolutely nothing will come from it except for reinforcing what what already know and then them laughing about it when nothing is done with the findings.

fuck does this have to do with my region :(

>AUGUST 14, 2020

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civil discovery is going to force some hands, i think.