BIG HAPPENING: Saudi Arabia under ATTACK

Houthis send a missile and actually hits something valuable.
WW3 soon?

Attached: SASA.jpg (760x648, 63.69K)

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More proof russia is losing

WW3 won’t happen cus 2 shitholes decide to murder each other lmao

Fuck there was a footage of the missile.
I can't find it now...

Attached: 20220325_213423.jpg (1647x1208, 316.1K)


based, fuck saudis

Attached: Evolutions_Poliwag.jpg (734x1024, 157.6K)

Someone was pissed they wont sell their oil to them...


>saudi ZOG getting slapped in the face after years of being subhuman to southern neighbours

I can fap to this

>saudi Arabia tells Bidet to go fuck himself
>houthis finally hit something valuable

Waste of oil what's the point there

You see what happens. You see what happens when you entertain the notion of accepting rubles for oil
Brings all the saudis to the yard
>And they're like
Allah Akbar
>Damn right
Allah Akbar
I could quench you
But he'd have to charge


I know you want it
That thing that makes it
What the muslims go crazy for
They loose their minds
In the wind
My bladders primed

*splash splash*
*splash splash*
Warmed up
*splash splash*
*splash splash*
The muslims are waiting
*splash splash*
*splash splash*


I can see you slurp it
You want me to quench thee
Liquids that freaks these muslims
It can be bought
Just know that theives get qata'aa
Sneak if you're smart


Oh, once you start slurping
Someone might look your way, so
You must mix it with milk
Same time maintain your posture
Just make the perfect blend
Now enjoy what you have within
This way your eyes won't squint
And you can enjoy the scent


It looks like the SA Air Defense doesn't work that well...

Attached: shitabia.jpg (1456x752, 30.06K)


Ahhh so this is what they are covering up by the sudden shilling of that dead nigger.

Attached: Aramco.jpg (1579x948, 247.63K)

Hey guys, why aren't the NATO arming the yemen people?

Attached: qtfriend.png (738x749, 576.39K)

Yes the (((Houthis))) and not the CIA sending a message to KSA to get back in line.


based ciaNiggers going back to work

Attached: 1648069854100.jpg (500x375, 22.33K)

Yep it’s fake this is old footage from Mario kart 64

Attached: 707AAA6C-DA4E-45BB-AFE3-F130ACF4D4BA.png (512x407, 35.46K)

I wonder if someone pushed the kill switch because we didn’t more oil so their private corporation could profit more from the mess they created hmmm

Not even ZOG can contain the anger if we from $3 to $10 a gallon in less than six months

Saudi's pissed of the glowniggers and now they're arming he Houthies. I predicted this.

This is what they get for attempting to dump the petrodollar. If they continue to try to break away from the US sphere of influence, the CIA will make sure shit like this becomes a weekly fucking occurrence.

Well fuck, that's a lot of greenhouse gases.

this, usa attacked

This is what happens when you trust your bald ally P*tin

Yep I could see that right away.

>want cheap oil
>attack oil exporter
Yeah this is Any Forums brains