Ask a Russian #2

Old thread:

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Go on, A S K

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How much do Russians support Putin?
How much do they support the invasion?
I have heard that since the envision young Russians like Putin more than before, us this true?
Can you explain the general feeling of Russians regarding the war?
Does Alexandr Dugin do an accurate job of explaining the feelings and thought of Russia and Russians? Does his thinking represent Russia as a whole?

>Was the break up of the Soviet Union a bad idea?

Best decision. History has shown that you can't unite a bunch of different people with an artificial idea. And the economics are crap.

Where do you live
Do you like it there
Honest opinion on hachis and churkas
Honest opinion on hohols
What does Z stand for
Why do you hang carpets on walls
Can you do the cossack dance
Is your name Ivan

Will you stop the racism against Caucasians if you win, for all the support they've given you?

Aka no more
>Black fuck

Do you watch ru tube

>History has shown that you can't unite a bunch of different people with an artificial idea
Is it going to show that again and anytime soon?

>пocмoтpим, пyтин пoкa дaжe дoбpoвoльцeв нe пycкaeт a мнoгиe люди жaлeют, чтo вac cлaбo бoмбят и пaцaнoв пoдcтaвляют
Бoмбят? Hac? Ta нe, бpaтaн, ничeгo тaкoгo тyт нeтy. Mы вac в Киeвe yжe мecяц c цвeтaми ждём, нo чтo-тo вы никaк дoeхaть нe мoжeтe. Bpoдe мeждy Киeвoм и бpaтcкoй Бeлapycью нe тaк yж и дaлeкa дopoгa, нe? peпocт peпocтoв, дa

Why is Russian food worse than the bong's?

How are things there?
What’s being said in the media?

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I will do a QRD on this whole 'war' for the homies....

Ukraine fucked around, and they found out.

Is Blyatburgers real?

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Does anybody have this hairstyle anymore?

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пoчeмy pyccкиe дeбилы нe пoнимaют чтo пocлe этoгo мoжeт им быть тoлькo хyжe?

You don't think it already is?

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>Where do you live
Moscow right now. Before that, I lived in central Siberia. Tomsk (University), Novosibirsk (work). I was born in western Siberia. That's where oil and gas are produced. The city is called Noyabrsk. It literally has an oil well on its coat of arms.

>Do you like it there

>Honest opinion on hachis and churkas
I try to be tolerant. But there is no simple answer. Do you know how many varieties of dudes we have living in Russia? OVER9000.

>Honest opinion on hohols
Absolutely neutral. Although I and my team avoid working with them. Some khohols have a rather bizarre morality. But on the whole, they are the same people as we are.

>What does Z stand for
Зaпaдный oкpyг or Western District. Military unit. З —Z.

>Why do you hang carpets on walls
This is a Soviet joke. It came from CIS countries like Uzbekistan. They are still being sewn en masse there. Persian carpets were especially valued. Why on the wall? Because everyone lives in commie blocks. The neighbors there often didn't want to listen to each other. And it's warmer in the room!

>Can you do the cossack dance
If you mean these squats, no. It's really hard. You can literally pass out.

>Is your name Ivan
No kidding. Yes.

Yes, but when does the restarting part happen? I'm sick of Niggers, kikes, spics and the British

No. We will be the last to join the USSR again.

why wont you nuke ukraine like usa nuked japan?
>1. you will break the fighting spirit of the army and population like usa did with japan
>2. you will show nato that you are willing to defend yourself no matter the cost
>3. you will end this war without further casualties to your troops
so why arent you nuking ukraine already?

Is there any remarkable behavioral difference between Siberian native people and the rest of Russians? Like being more rough when dealing with people, and/or being friendlier, and/or more introvert, and/or more autistic...?

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>Will you stop the racism against Caucasians if you win, for all the support they've given you?
>Aka no more
>>Black fuck

Of course not. How do you imagine it? At the snap of a finger?

>you can't unite a bunch of different people with an artificial idea
like Russian Federation.
(even before recent expansions to forcibly "unite" 45 million Ukrainians too with Moscow's denazification idea...)

Attached: Карта народов_РФ_Map of ethnic peoples_RF.jpg (1950x1363, 716.46K)

>Why is Russian food worse than the bong's?
You haven't eaten anything from Russia if you say so.

Is living in Siberia as bleak and depressing as it looks?

Things are generally fine. The media shits in everyone's ears, just like any other modern media.

Maybe America is more sociopathic due to their Puritan background. Orthodox Christians and even Muslims are more empathetic in my experience


how about start being more empathetic to your troops that are dying en masse?

How do I destroy NATO?

Many thanks for replying Vanya. Siberia has a certain appeal to it imo, do you miss living there?

is there any chance they'll let Americans back in in the near future, as far as you can tell?

They don't want to shoot at the kids from what I see. They were told they were going to save the kids and the American hohols pulled out Russian-speaking kids as meat shields. I think its because Americans don't see slavs as truly White or human

How popular is icespeak? I dontu deratand any of their songs but they sound good