Why am I supposed to hate Putin again?

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Because i'm a shill and I say you shouldn't.

because he is a member of the Jesuit Order and has been given orders, like the US, to stage this conflict where people get killed in order to make moves toward a more open NWO

Yes but if one is going to pick sides in the theatre production, Putin seems better than Biden or Truedo or Macron or the New Zealand horse.

Because you just are.

Attached: offended.png (300x300, 44.78K)

Weird, then why is the Jesuit Order doing everything they can to stop him.

Jesuits wish they could reach deep orthochad territorry

something about hating us for our freedoms or whatever
who knows

Nearly all evidence shows that he is an enemy of the Jesuit order and globohomo..

The only evidence in favor is he sort of followed covid bullshit... and sort of joined the WEF to infiltrate it appears.

Because kikes are telling you to.

because i hate christcucks and trsodomites for ruining my board

Because globalist degenerates say he's bad

Because sadly he's making the same impatient mistake as Hitler did. Instead of biding his time and chipping away at western countries until their collapse while building up Russia, he decided to threaten a conflict. He could have build a safe haven for non-degeneracy but instead starts a potential war that could end in a loss and thus make Russia suffer the same fate as Germany did after losing WW2, becoming an American puppet state.

He's merely filling a political gap left by the West. Meanwhile, the USSR was explicitly anti-White in the same way the West is today whereas the West was explicitly anti-Russian and at least nominally pro-White.

Any Forums has completely degraded, most anons are absolutely retarded and will take any bait for a morsel of validation.

You're a bit of a retard if you think Putin started the Ukraine conflict. That's like setting yourself up on someone's porch with a gun and then blaming the owner for shooting you first.

Anyone got a link to the speech? I'd love to hear him actually say it instead of relying on supposed subtitles.

He bought a lot of time since 2008
It's not that simple that he is sticking to the plan while West sits back, there are many Russian ministries under direct Western control, incl Health, Central Bank, Vax institute etc.
Putin has only Defense and Interior under some sort of control
Actually it is West who got impatient and started genociding and terrorising it's population before Russia was even finished

The only argument I can give you is that it's because he is not naming the Jew.

"The West is shooting itself on the foot as just a hobby! It's creating immoral and decadent societies for no purpose at all!"

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Because the (((mainstream media))) told you to... wouldn't want to think for yourself

Lol. Christianity=white peoples roots.

he put tRUMP in office

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Let me just open twitter real quick and recharge my hate capacitors, I forgot why

Except it wasn't his porch, but the porch of his neighbour. Ukraine has been a sovereign nation for 30 years now, it's a little to late to claim that land under the pretext of previous ownership.

What i meant with impatient is that he sent Russian military. He should have simply kept Ukraine from being westernized through indirect means like before and grind them down through sending weapons and supporting militia. There was no need to escalate and risk a full on war.

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I like Putin as any other user here but let's not kid ourselves about how Christiany took away the real culture of white people and forced theirs by literal genocide so spare me the historical class because Christians despite claiming to be so enlighten behave like subhuman filth not that long ago. Where I agree is that the current western values that have killed "Christian values" and asserted themselves in every bit of culture and every day lives just like the Christians did in their time are also depraved immoral values but once you understand the double-think in the American empire of lies you can understand that such filth is the only thing that hypocrisy can birth. One thing is for sure, America has to deal with their own shit before it thinks it can keep spreading it across the world.

Then he goes on to talk about reproduction, as if non-Whites and non-Westerners can survive with Western gibs given out domestically and internationally.

Fucking hate russia, they're even worse than brussels, washington, or beijing.

According to Russians it was Westernized directly and they could not wait and tried to get the moment of surprise at least. That's why chimpout.

>Cant survive without western gibs
Cause you actually care right?