How far are you into your education?

It's all been carefully set up to benefit the elite. Ever wonder why in a supposedly free society its compulsory to send your children to government-controlled schools?

>Industrial barons supported public schooling in the 19th century and helped fund it
>Modern public schooling based on a Prussian military brainwashing model (i.e. get them as young as possible to make them more useful to the state)
>regimented school day (short class times, bells, small breaks) designed to turn people into dutiful employee drones
>all free thought, creativity, indepdentness etc crushed out of the children as young as possible

Public education along with generational brainwashing through culture has been designed to extend childhood far into the teens and early 20s. A 20 year old today has the maturity level of a 13 year old in 1990, etc. Children are purely emotional creatures and thus adults that have not psychologically left childhood are easier to manipulate. This can be seen in record rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, and other mental illnesses as young zoomer adults have no idea how to cope with the real world.

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Other urls found in this thread:

therefore homeschool

For the love of god, yes. Stick to purely academic requirements. Children should spend as little time as possible learning the basics required to enter college (for the sole purpose of gaining a profession as soon as humanly possible).

Gatto is based in that being a NY teacher for 30 years he seen it all. He even says homework is pointless and that learning by having unique and varied experiences at younger ages is the key.

>the elite

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>Extended childhood and education BAD
>Being an r selected retard who dies at age 30 GOOD

I hate you evolutionary regressive cunts so much its unreal. When gene editing allows for neurological and lifespan enhancements I hope the average length of childhood is 100 years and the average lifespan 5000. Fuck you ape.

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I stopped after high school and so, unlike most of my generation, I'm not drowning in student debt. Mostly because I'm not interested enough in anything to do it for a living. Just kind of waiting to die.

instilling values in children is overwhelmingly more effective than western education. Peru kids could use more decent sense than arithmatic

Bachelors in physics and astronomy, getting masters in environmental science & oceanography. I want to help musk terraform Mara

I always believed schools to be the root of globo control. I am never proven wrong

Bump. Great post.

First of all, while childhood should exist, the tween - teenager years are an illusion and invented to keep people in a childlike state.

I am a teacher and being in education is what "redpilled" (actually blackpilled me)

Here are the truths:

1) Most teachers don't care about the kids. They go into teaching for some strange reason like reliving their youth, controlling others, etc. Teachers intentions' are usually about control vs. What is good for kids.

2) Almost half of the day is a waste of time. School shouldn't be longer than 4 - 6 hours a day. No teacher has the energy to truly teach well for 8 hours, and the kids are burnt out by lunch. School should be a few days a week, about 4 - 6 hours if it exists at all.

3) Kids are basically being programmed to be robots now. They have no outlet for their energy, emotions, or anything.

4) Girls and boys should be separated from K - 8. They learn completely differently. After 8th grade, it levels out a bit and teens should "court."

5) Despite all the technology and money spent on education, nothing is changing.

6) The truth is good teachers = true learning. That is that. But that is why they destroy the good teachers.

7) If you are a good teacher, other teachers will hate you and do anything to bring you down.

And more.

gatto is pretty based. would recommend his books

>Prussian brainwashing
Sums it up pretty well, protestants are a cancer

Finished highschool, went to community college for a year.
Made 250k on stock market from like $500 by shorting market right before covid with heavily OTM SPY options

Paid parents debt and lost the rest of the money, went through depressive suicidal bout for about a year now.
Am 23 and just don’t know how to carry on.
Losing that much money fucked me up permanently I think, now I am NEET with no motivation

UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy by Julian Huxley (1946):

“The moral for Unesco is clear. The task laid upon it of promoting peace and security can never be wholly realised through the means assigned to it-education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise, as the only certain means for avoiding war. However, world political unity is, unfortunately, a remote ideal, and in any case does not fall within the field of Unesco’s competence. This does not mean that Unesco cannot do a great deal towards promoting peace and security. ‘Specifically, in its educational programme it can stress the ultimate need for world political unity and familiarise all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organisation. But, more generally, it can do a great deal to lay the foundations on which world political unity can later be built. It can help the peoples of the world to mutual understanding and to a realisation of the common humanity and common tasks which they share, as opposed to the nationalisms which too often tend to isolate and separate them.” (page 13)
“At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilisation is dysgenic instead of eugenic ; and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability, and disease-proneness, which already exist in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for Unesco to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” page 21

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“First, that education can be and should be a permanent and continuing process: the mind is capable of growth throughout life, and provision must be made for assisting its growth-in other words for education-among adults of all ages and not only in children and young people.” (page 30)

“One other item which Unesco should put on its programme as soon as possible is the study of the application of psycho-analysis and other schools of “deep” psychology to education. Though some repression into the unconscious seems to be indispensable if the human infant is to develop a normal moral sense and a full personality, yet it is equally obvious that over-strong or one-sided repression is capable of producing various distortions of character and frustrations to full development, and notably a hypertrophied sense of sin which can be disastrous to the individual or to others. If we could discover some means of regulating the process of repression and its effects, we should without doubt be able to make the world both happier and more efficient. This would mean an extension of education backwards from the nursery school to the nursery itself.” (page 33)

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Profund mental retardation.

“Though not dogma, they may, perhaps, properly be described as scientific doctrine. Unesco must see that its activities and ideas are not opposed to this body of established scientific doctrine, just as it must encourage the use of the scientific method wherever it is applicable. Thus it cannot and must not tolerate the blocking of research or the hampering of its application by superstition or theological prejudice. It must disregard or, if necessary, oppose unscientific or anti-scientific movements, such as anti-vivisectionism, fundamentalism, belief in miracles, crude spiritualism, etc. In order to do this effectively, widespread popular education is required in the facts of science, the significance of the scientific method, and the possibilities of scientific application for increasing human welfare.” – (page 37)

“It will accordingly relate its ethical values to the discernible direction of evolution, using the fact of biological progress as their foundation, and shaping the superstructure to fit the principles of social advance. On this basis, there is nothing immutable and eternal about ethics, yet there are still ethical values which are general and lasting-namely those which promote a social organization which will allow individuals the fullest opportunity for development and self-expression consonant with the persistence and the progress of society.” (page 40)

“In general, we may say, it is becoming necessary to extend our personal ethical judgments and responsibilities to many collective and apparently impersonal actions -in other words to undertake a considerable socialisation of ethics.” (page 41)

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and then everyone clapped?

“However, if Unesco is to have a real social policy, it must not confine itself to such general studies, but must also face up to particular problems which press on the modern world. Simply as illustrative examples, I will mention population, the conservation of wild life, and semantics. The recognition of the idea of an optimum population-size (of course relative to technological and social conditions) is an indispensable first step towards that planned control of populations which is necessary if man’s blind reproductive urges are not to wreck his ideals and his plans for material and spiritual betterment. The recognition of the fact that the wild life of the world is irreplaceable, but that it is being rapidly destroyed, is necessary if we are to realise in time that areas must be set aside where, in the ultimate interests of mankind as a whole, the spread of man must take second place to the conservation of other species.” (page 45)

“That task is to help the emergence of a single world culture, with its own philosophy and background of ideas, and with its own broad purpose. This is opportune, since this is the first time in history that the scaffolding and the mechanisms for world unification have become available, and also the first time that man has had the means (in the shape of scientific discovery and its applications) of laying a world-wide foundation for the minimum physical welfare of the entire human species. And it is necessary, for at the moment two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East, and not only impede the achievement of unity but threaten to become the foci of actual conflict.” (page 61)

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“We have already pointed out some of the social functions of art. Another exists in the, field of public relations. Every country has now woken up to the need, in our complex modern world, of public relations, which is but a new name for propaganda, that term which unhappily has grown tarnished through misuse. In a world which must be planned, governments must often assume initiative and leadership; and for this leadership to be effective, the general public must be informed of the problem and of what is in the government’s mind. This is the essential function of “public relations” in the modern State. But it is only a few pioneers, like Tallents and Grierson, who have begun to grasp how public relations should be conducted. Art is necessary as part of the technique, since for most people art alone can effectively express the intangibles, and add the driving force of emotion to the cold facts of information. “It is the artist alone in whose hands truth becomes impressive.” Perhaps especially it is the art of drama which is most essential in bringing life to the issues of everyday life but that art can, of course, operate elsewhere than on the stage most notably on the films. Whatever the details, it remains true that one of the social functions of art is to make men feel their destiny, and to obtain a full comprehension, emotional as well as intellectual, of their tasks in life and their role in the community. Rightfully used, it is one of the essential agencies for mobilizing society for action. Each of the creative arts has its own special role to play in life. Music makes the most direct approach to the emotions, without the intervention of any barrier of language other than its own.” (page 54-55)

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>Ever wonder why in a supposedly free society its compulsory to send your children to government-controlled schools?
It’s not.

You can homeschool.
You can send them to a private school.
Public schooling is 100% a choice, and the the reason it exists is because most working class people can’t afford the other options.

Too bad we killed ourselves when we stopped being homesteaders. Life is over, we are all dead.

Publications of the General Education Board, Occasional Papers No. 1 The Country School of Tomorrow, Frederick T. Gates

In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply. We are to follow the admonitions of the good apostle, who said, ''Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low degree." And generally, with respect to these high things, all that we shall try to do is just to create presently about these country homes an atmosphere and conditions such, that, if by chance a child of genius should spring up from the soil, that genius will surely bud and not be blighted. Putting, therefore, all high things quite behind us, we turn with a sense of freedom and delight to the simple, lowly, needful things that promise well for rural life. For the task that we set before ourselves is a very simple as well; as a very beautiful one : to train these people as we find them for a perfectly ideal life just where they are — yes, ideal, for we shall allow ourselves to be extravagant since we are only dreaming; call it idyllic, if you like — an idyllic life under the skies and within the horizon, however narrow, where they first open their eyes. We are to try to make that life, just where it is, healthful, intelligent, efficient, to fill it with thought and purpose, and with a gracious social culture not without its joys.

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Better to pursue a wildly unrealistic goal and achieve as much as you can, than to aim for something more realistic you don’t really care about

John Taylor Gatto - A Short Angry History Of Modern Schooling

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The DODD REPORT to the Reece Committee on Foundations:

“These original studies of "the public interest" disclosed that during the four years, 1933-1936, a change took place which was so drastic as to constitute a "revolution". They also indicated conclusively that the responsibility for the economic welfare of the American people had been transferred heavily to the Executive Branch of the Federal Government; that a corresponding change in education had taken place from an impetus outside of the local community, and that this "revolution" had occurred without violence and with the full consent of an overwhelming majority of the electorate.”

“Its ensuing studies disclosed such a relationship and that it had existed continuously since the beginning of this 50-year period. In addition, these studies seem to give evidence of a response to our involvement in international affairs. Likewise, they seemed to reveal that grants had been made by Foundations (chiefly by Carnegie and Rockefeller) which were used to further this purpose by:

Directing education in the United States toward an international view-point and discrediting the traditions to which, it [formerly) had been dedicated.*

Training individuals and servicing agencies to render advice to the Executive branch of the Federal Government.

Decreasing the dependency of education upon the resources of the local community and freeing it from many of the natural safeguards inherent in this American tradition.

Changing both school and college curricula to the point where they sometimes denied the principles underlying the American way of life.

Financing experiments designed to determine the most effective means by which education could be pressed into service of a political nature.”

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“In summary, our study of these entities and their relationship to each other seems to warrant the inference that they constitute a highly efficient, functioning whole. Its product is apparently an educational curriculum designed to indoctrinate the American student from matriculation to the consummation of his education. It contrasts sharply with the freedom of the individual as the cornerstone of our social structure. For this freedom, it seems to substitute the group, the will of the majority, and a centralized power to enforce this will-Presumably in the interest of all. Its development and production seems to have been largely the work of those organizations engaged in research, such as the Social Science Research Council and the National Research Council.”

“Finally, I suggest that the Committee give special consideration to the Ford Foundation. This Foundation gives ample evidence of having taken the initiative in selecting purposes of its own. Being of recent origin, it should not be held responsible for the actions or accomplishments of any of its predecessors. It is without precedent as to size, and it is the first Foundation to dedicate itself openly to "problem solving" on a world scale.

In a sense, Ford appears to be capitalizing on developments which took place long before it was founded, and which have enabled it to take advantage of:
the wholesale dedication of education to a social purpose the need to defend this dedication against criticism

the need to indoctrinate adults along these lines

the acceptance by the Executive branch of the Federal Government of responsibility for planning on a national and international scale

the diminishing importance of the Congress and the states and the growing power of the Executive branch of the Federal government and

the seeming indispensability of control over human behavior.”

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>John Taylor Gatto

Charlotte Isyerbyt is also a must-read.

I wish you the best. My dreams and goals are far more unreachable than yours, yet I too shall not give up.

what about the dude report? far out, man.

Yep, citizens are all cattle to the nepotistic economic elites. Good thing some people are aware

>Jews vanguard of "social movement"

It's subversion. Let's call it what is is. Anti-evolutionary subversion by a group of hominid parasites.

I guess thats why Peruvian kids do so much better in maths and science than those dirty Germans and Chinese and their rigid education systems. Oh wait. Fuck off ape.

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The thread needs more Reese committee pills...

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In Australia the education system is full blown globohomo. Communist, socialist. Everything wrong with the world is encapsulated and taught as wonderful in Australian schools. It's become exponentially worse over the last 25 years.

I got your back, user.

Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations

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based and frogpilled