How would you have handled the "invasion" of Ukraine if you were in charge of Russia?

How would you have handled the "invasion" of Ukraine if you were in charge of Russia?

Attached: opr_hmngbrd_1182949861.png (370x340, 206.3K)

Go in with heavy rocket fire immediately. Ukraine cities would all be essentially razed within 24 hours

I would have killed all oligarchs and half-breed mongrels. Then I would have deported every Arab African, and Chinese from Russia. Next, I would have exposed Zelensky as a kike and had him hanged right next to Putin and his lovely daughters. And I would leave Ukraine alone. Finally, I would wage war against Europe and America if they failed to end their ethnic cleansing pogrom against their European populations, even if it meant MAD.

I would do it the US army way.

go in the deep setup forward operation bases. than run logistics from Russian railways to fobs.

60% of the force to secure logistics the rest. go on special forces lead campaigns with the Marines, in addition to infantry to secure more land for future fobs and combat outposts. its literally leapfrogging for collecting space.

They thought they could walk in like we did in Iraq but their president is brave as fuck to stay dispite being in grave danger.

FOAB on Kiev's center out of blue, 72h nuclear ultimatum

i would have only invaded southern ukraine.

Captured Zelenski with spies, replaced him with a 100% Russian asset, never fired a shot, joined the Russian union, kicked Nato out.

But what do I know, I am not Hillary Clinton

Nuke first ask questions later.

Attached: nuke.jpg (189x267, 12.19K)

I wouldn't have invaded and instead would trade neutrality and Crimea in-exchange for more oil/gas being sold to Europe and end to sanctions. Then would spend the rest of my years trying to root out as much corruption as I can get so I can fucking diversify the economy and tackle the fucking AIDs epidemic Russia has.

If Russia was my nation, I want it to be an economically prosperous so my oligarchic buddies and the citizens win.

Why am I not surprised?

Don't start. Only go to war where there is something to win.
Or I guess just fuck around, look like a retard and yell about nazi biolabs. That works too.


As Russia:
>give troops twice as much ammo, no rations
>drop tons of food stuffs in the cities
>put blocking detachments behind the troops
As Ukropistan:
>Get rid of Donbass region 8 years ago because they wanted independence anyways
>Get some backdoor defence agreement with Poland

Do what Putin did. Everything what is Happening right now is perfect, there was not even a single mistake.

I would have stayed daydreaming about cunny

I would have taken Donbass region in the start and put up heavy lines there. Establish bases so you don't get convoy problems when the inevitable attack by Ukraine begins and you have a good reason to go demilitarize the rest of the country.

>Recognize DPR and LPR
>Send Russian troops to the DPR and LPR already occupied territories, while keeping the rest of the army in Russia, Belarus and Black Sea stationed.
>Release statement: "any attack to the Russian army at LPR and DPR occupied territories would be considered an act of war."
>Ending exercises in Belarus, but keeping stationed forces in Russian and in the Black Sea just in case.
It is not that difficult.

Kill all the women and minorities first

You were going to get convoy issues anyways because the army is corrupt to shit.

Actually Sun Tsu recommended other thing: you only put your army on the battlefield when you already won the war before that.