Civilians shot dead in mariupol by the chechens

civilians shot dead in mariupol by the chechens.
gunned down whilst cooking their breakfast.
these people, like most in mariupol, are russian speakers.

very "based".

Attached: 1648243736630.jpg (2048x1536, 671.05K)

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Evil ruskie killing civilians left and right

No no, it was Azov, russians would never murder civilians

Attached: 1647987775543.jpg (1024x660, 77.95K)

ye, russia never kills civilians
how short is your fucking memory

Attached: A_Russian_soldier_inspecting_bodies_of_civilians_in_a_mass_grave_in_Chechnya_in_1995_(2).jpg (1023x575, 293.04K)

Holy shit kadyrov just flew over my house


Why are you attacking OP for ?
He saying that chechens did it

Whatever you say

also you fucking kasak niggers are going to be tag team ass raped by china and russia for the next thousand years. You think the Chinese are gonna stop with the Uyghurs?
you're getting too cocky kazak bro

A good ukranian is a dead ukranian

>intentionally murder innocents
Doubt. The worst the US did in Iraq was indiscriminately bomb everything, but even then they never intentionally killed random citizens

Yeah it was azov nazis. Same nazis that were stationed in the city for the past 8 years, that have sworn to defend it instead of surrendering now and had each and every opportunity to kill as many civilians as they wanted to but these darn nazis only started doing so after Russians invaded.

Why were they still there?

Okay ?
Point taken

>the absolute state of Kikelovers
Literally illiterate, even attacking your fellow shills lmao


why does this grandmother (babushka) have a beard growing? I just asked

Attached: 2022-03-26_00-41-55.png (243x182, 92.25K)

>the same retards that literally stations civilians in the same building as their military
When will you go to the frontlines you fucking coward? I want to see more of you retards die and mutilated.

this is chechens we are talking about.

arent you animals like.. cut off from the internet or something ? shouldnt you be eating crackers with water atm ?

Пoчeмy нe в BCУ пeдpилa?
>sworn to defend
Этo тe зaщитники, кoтopыe пpячyтcя в дoмaх миpных житeлeй, caдaх, шкoлaх и бoльницaх?

its picture from Donbass, you retards

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