How did this turn out for Triple H? Click the thread to find out!

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Time to do some ddp yoga FAAAAAAAAAAAG

I came here to escape the jab
It worked goys

Another older relative of mine died last week. The memes are true. The normies injected themselves with a time detonated kill shot. It's ogre.

So all these people with fucked up hearts are just going to be slept under the rug forever huh

WWE went to shit after Benoit died

That means IT'S WORKING

Thats what i call degradation X

i think roids and vax are a highly fatal combination

Triple H to triple coronary bypass

Every day I hate them a little bit more

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Yup. Former supposedly causes enlarged heart.

Send energy towards my farming at the mouth liberal mother in law dying to start ww3 for ukes. She is quad jabbed. Anything so she can squeeze out another 5 years of fucking working people over right?

I just got vaccinated specifically to get this. It hasn't happened and I still might get drafted if the war starts.
I fucking hate all you anti-vax kikes. You lied to me.

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wrestlers cocaine/steriod/opiate overuse im not sure people really understand the actual amount of steroid abuse in pretty much all fucking sports

Seems like The Game played himself.

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>no dates given
OP, please provide the date of the Twitter post and the date of the article in the screenshot. Better yet, link us to both.

yaaa funny larp go take a 4th shot just to be sure

Cool, another Keto head gets the wake-up call.

jab post was months ago cuz I've seen it floating around, I'm assuming the news of his retirement is from today.

There goes his pedigree

Just looked it up. Its on ESPN.