Do you seriously believe dinosaurs existed 65 million years ago?

Just because they told you so?

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the t-rex is known to have roared ferociously

Just trust science.

Really guys there are so much lies in the world i am now seriouly considering "out there" theories like "not globe"-earth and that Dinos never existed and most of history is made up.

Damit. Fucking Clown World.

I wish I had a raptor gf


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If those are not dino bones then those are dragon bones

Dinosaurs still exist like megalodon or whatever it's called

no. the devil memed them to get more followers.

no I'm not 8, why would I believe in dinosaurs?

Of course not. Im not a NPC goy.
Dinosaurs never even existed. Its all a jewish trick.
Flat Earth is the one and only truth.

Must be difficult to get through life with such a low IQ, Canucktard.

the bones belong to giants, but not giant lizards. that's fake reptilian lore, we wuz kangs nonsense.

>reddit spacing
>believes in dinosaurs

checks out

they coomed

dinosaurs never existed, fyi.

Maybe, but flat Earthers are retarded.

>watch my video evlution and dinosaurs debunked first
closed the video. why is it always these types?

Science has yet to explain how T-rexes mated with how they were shaped.

They clearly existed at some point, we have plenty of fossilized bones to prove it.

this was a yesterday trend, nigger, and all schizos said no. move along

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(((65 Gorillion Years)))

>If you use the word debunked that means you're a person who tries to debunk things. This is not a valid approach (you should just believe me) therefore you are a shill.
>Only shills asks questions!

>They clearly existed at some point, we have plenty of fossilized bones to prove it.

they coo like doves and have cocks like ducks

>according to scientists
A dude putting on a wig and wearing a dress is a woman according to scientists.
Dinosaurs roared
Dinosaurs did not have feathers

Dinosaurs are still living to this day (birds).

So how exactly do "scientists" claim to know this?

dinosaurs push the artificial scarcity of oil

First feathers. Then T-Rex was a "scavenger". So fucking sick of globohomo making dinosaura pozzed!

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Dinosaurs did not exist

checked, I'm starting to believe they existed less and less

Fuck no I don’t believe in dinosaurs. The only people to discover dinosaurs are (((those))) who set out to discover them. No regular people or those doing construction with back hoes have ever found a dinosaur.

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i think all these changes are designed to serve as a subtle redpill to boomers.

They overturn everything they were ever taught. And so it eats them up inside that they have to go along with it.

And we just know it was the meteor that made a crater in the Yucatán that killed them. LMAO it was so bad that all species died everywhere in the world except some birds

Dinosaurs status: Fake, Gay
Earth status: Flat
Christ status: King

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yes every time i look at a pigeon i see a reptillian beaked imp that litters the landscape like an itinerant feathered beggar.

Confirmed. One time when I was a little kid I was obsessed with dinosaurs and asked my mom if I could dig for one in the dirt. She said I might find a fossil but I didn’t find shit

you found more dirt and rocks, did it shock you to learn this?

scientists will make anything up to shit on people and children. they are pushing the evolution shit so hard for 150 years. its embarrassing.

if everyone was anally raping the evolution theory including the religious they would start pushing creationism.

You're right, theyre not scientists they're shithawks.

The sooner you realise that flat-earth, fake space and so on are real and that the globe earth and falsified history are the way they are to discredit the Bible so as to lead people astray from God and leave them to be damned forever.

To those who are not saved; All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in hell and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your salvation and He will deliver you from evil and save you from hell.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation:

Something worth watching if you have the time:

Attached: catholics beware v3.jpg (6831x2295, 1.78M)