Is reincarnation real?

Is reincarnation real?

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yes, and escaping it is the biggest shit-test you'll ever face

It doesn't matter, trust in Christ user. Fight the flesh.

I'll just procrastinate and leave that for my reincarnation to figure out


Jesus was enlightened

Yea until you're liberated with nothing left but God in your heart.

Probably not, but I do like the stories of people who claim to have been reincarnated and solve their own murders and stuff.

I have read a little bit about the light and the tunnel being a lie but i cant be sure
I have troubles with that related to life conditions

>Fight the flesh
I hate Christcucks so much, just for that.
>Be Christian
>Believe you have a soul trapped inside a body
>Spend your entire life fighting that body so your soul can live in eternal bliss
You've never stopped to think that maybe your body is part of who you are? You are fighting yourself for no fucking reason. You create a dichotomy within your own self, demonize yourself and torment yourself.

Read the chapter on The Tower in Meditations on the Tarot if you are interested in this stuff.

That sucks man..

Lel no

No, but this doesn’t matter for negroids and other morons.

Yes, I remember some of my past life
How can I help you


The little spark of electrical energy coursing through your body is data. Everything you do, think, say, experience, gets encoded.

After this life, you return to the electromagnetic realm. Your data is processed & you get sent back 'til you get it right.

I fucking hope not.
Say we escape reincarnation, then what?

the body is the false persona, the psychopathic self, eat, fuck, dominate, repeat.
at some point you just had enough and want out of this endless cycle.

Nobody knows

This. I want to see the internet history of every maga christian on POL, probably more taboo than 90% of the average non religious person due to guilt and self torture of trying to not be "of the world"

>soul trapped in body
You are mistaken. The soul is one with the body.

user it doesn't literally mean to hate your body. It means to resist the bad urges everyone has. It's like being A Okay with someone cheating on their spouse because they were a little horny

How can i kill my self and escape the cycle or at least land a good tier life on the next ride

Protip: Do your life review right now, instead of at death. Then figure out how to make amends for the bad shit you've done and said.

No one is innocent. Everyone's done or said terrible things to others. Even those nice church ladies have been secret bitches at some point in their lives.

Anyway, none of you are prepared for your life reviews. The moment you start realzing just how badly you've hurt others, you and your ego will break down. But you can't fix shit 'til you get to this step.

Yes. You carry all your past experiences with you from one incarnation to another, including patterns of attractions (situations that you attract and repel). The use of psychedelics as meditative aids is good for exploring and breaking old patterns.

Indian grifters seem to

No, the soul is in metaphysical disunity with body, mind, and identity in such a scheme, so even if it were true it is still false. Saying Ralph reincarnated into a bird would be an error. Bird took life battery of Ralph, maybe.

we fight against the flesh/passions because Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world. After the Second Coming, your body and soul will live for eternity. With or without God. That part is up to you.

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>How can I kill myself
You can't, ever heard of quantum immortality? you are in for a long ride buddy

Nobody knows if something happens or does not happen after death other than your body decaying. Any deviation from this is a coping mechanism that distracts you from ignorance and the fear of death.

How about you stop hating yourself, then there's no cycle. It's you versus the world, don't add more pointless fights to it.
They're scared they'll turn into degenerates, but act on their guilty pleasures like all of us.
I don't hate myself and I don't see my flesh as an enemy to conquer, yet I'm not on heroin 24/7 killing babies and fucking tranny hookers.
My point exactly.
Semantics, it is self-hate. You create battles within yourself for no fucking reason.
So you are born evil and you must fight yourself your whole life to conquer that evil.
What kind of sick philosophy is that? A baby isn't evil inherently.