In your opinion

What is the likelihood of full scale global war (WWIII)? I'm asking because I don't have anyone else to ask who doesn't get their news from social media/msm.
Personally, I'd say 85%
>source for percentage: my instinct

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Low 20%.
If China decides to invade Taiwan though it's going up to 40%, everyone is looking for a reason to fight.


> my disappointment is immeasurable
> and my day is ruinef

I believe this to be accurate. No politician from either side will risk upsetting the status quo. They have it to easy.

either it happens or it doesn't

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They just need to sell fear.
You think 85% chance of ww3, it obviously worked

Don't lose sight of the goal that we simply need these peoples heads on poles to make this stop.

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It goes up every day. It's still too high, but I think everyone's comfort zone actually puts us in more danger than the later stage of the cold war, where we were more altert to the possibilities of it.

Now, a significant portion of the people in charge (in the west) are high on their own supply and are believing their own bullshit that Putin isn't serious. He is. That's why it could really happen.

based and 50%pilled.


14% chance that 88% of the planet is destroyed

this, it will follow that fallout narrative, will reach 80% by the end of 2070s

I still don't know. Depopulation, N. Korea preparing for a confrontation with the U.S, Belarus may join the war, warnings of Cyber attacks as quoted by Klaus Schwab and the Executive branch, and further escalation due to retaliation of aforementioned cyber attacks.

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Thats a bit high. Trim it back by ooooh say 85% and you’ll be close (its less than zero).

Pretty much zero. What would be the point? Thanks to jews and leftists, the west is rotting anyway. Our enemies only need to wait.

read about Jackowski he is prophet i think one in whole world , his abilities are confirmed by our state police. He predited ww3 like 10 years ago. He is saying now that it will happen sooner or later. Hi predict canada convoy , belarus/poland border crisis and many more. In short he is good at it.

Source? My symbolic dreams.


Biden just told the 82nd Airborne they're going to Ukraine. So, about 90% at this point.

How else are they going to do a massive depop event?
Let's get this ball fucking rollin'!