Why have wages not kept up with cost of living?

Too much immigration? Productivity gains either go to owner or result in lower prices? What's going on?

Attached: Contract_Graphics__Dwarf Wage Growth_V2.png (1876x1751, 158.39K)


niggers, beaners, and women entering the workforce


Immigration and outsourcing, you just can't compete with the third world on labor costs.
Sure, the 50's super prosperity wasn't going to last, but we were cheated out of a better life.

Because total compensation is what matters

women in the workplace

Usury and interest payments. Denbt slavery.

Attached: this-joker.gif (323x200, 500.44K)

Calitalistic greed.
If you outsource the labor and means of production, there are no workers who can seize them. You just exploit retards at the other side of the globe. Furthermore you invite H1 visa Poojets and other immigrants so wages drop.
For example "labor shortage" for IT jobs is defined as "less than 15 persons who apply for a job posting". They just want expolitable cattle.

A huge influx of charity hires, aka diversity hires. They absorb wages but produce nothing.

HR departments are 3x the size they were in the 90s. HR used to be predominantly payroll accounting and occasionally an internal legal department. Now they're literally psychology consultants, which produces absolutely nothing. There hasn't been any gains in human capital retention in decades; it's stagnant. HR is a total waste of space. HR also, for some reason, pays commensurate to what the producers in the company earn.

For example, if you're an HR person in a Software Engineering company, you probably make six figures, even though you have absolutely no idea how to code.

Why doesn't the profit motive eliminate this waste?

Fear of litigation, because the courts and legal system in this arena is controlled by a specific set of people... I'll let someone else name them.

The rise in the worlds population and immigration. Simple Supply and demand. They can always find someone who can do it cheaper now.

American labor has to compete with 3rd world labor to produce low cost goods. American labor is expensive. 3rd world labor is not. The products sit next to each other on the shelves at the store. The 3rd world product is cheaper. Frankly, Americans are lucky to have any jobs at all.

its mostly the loyalty meme

if you work in small company of 5-10 people then maybe loyalty will pay off, but for those working in huge companies, manager #142 doesnt know you or care that youve worked for them 20 years

Ronald Reagan and the retards who voted for him.

The omnigraph can conceptualise and formulate itself. Albeit, there is a subversive alt-omnigraph.
Additionally, there are piece movers aside from prime moving.

Americans innovate and create patents. Their patents are not enforceable in the 3rd world. A direct copy of their product can be produced in the 3rd world and shipped here for cheaper than it costs to produce here. One of the fundamental functions of the government is regulating commerce. It has failed to regulate it in a way that benefits American Business. An argument can be made that low cost goods benefit consumers. But a country consisting primarily of consumers is a country destined to fail.

mine have outpaced it, dunno about you

American wages have stagnated because labor is commonly the most expensive part of running a business in America, and higher wages mean higher costs which means higher prices. Higher prices cannot compete with lower prices when everyone is poor. In America you must work for your money, for a company that can't pay you well or offer you good benefits because it prevents them from competing on price for the same product from a Chinese company that provides low wages, has low regulatory expenses and offers zero benefits.

Middle class has to pay taxes for niggers and single moms. Rich don't pay taxes, and they keep squeezing more and more from wagecucks

The long term effects of economic globalization on America include low manufacturing capacity, shuttering of American businesses, less upward mobility, less tax revenue, and ever-increasing government subsidies for food, shelter, education, and other basic staples of life. In other words, it has fostered an environment of low productivity, government dependence, and weakness. This reveals itself on the macroscale with the sheer size of our federal government, and on the microscale with the sheer size of people. Americans have become fat lazy fucks with no basic skills, no testosterone, less opportunities for improving their quality of life than ever before.

Oversaturated workforce full of women and 3rd worlders diluting the labor pool and allowing employers to pay the less while the niggercattle will still work 60 hours a week.

Nixon taking us off the gold standard, rollbacks of economic policies implemented to keep big business in check in place since the 30s and 40s(because big corpos were some of the biggest causes of the first Great Depression), Raegan's Trickle Down economic policies, 16 years straight of pure neocon economic policy(Bush+Obama). We're dying because our markets have been stagnant for like 50 years, and they've been stirring the shit as hard as they could since then so they don't drown when the shadow of infinite growth by purely artificial means busts down the big dam of debt. That, and the US has been practicing corporate communism, as seen with our many high-notoriety bailouts of businesses deemed "too big to fail".

The Republic died when it became possible to "vote for a raise" and this subversion was advertised as democracy. Once a political party learned it could offer to divert tax revenue to their base, they slowly began to offer more and more, all the while painting those who disagreed as racist, greedy, or bought and paid for by big business. These entitlements are incredibly expensive, and they continue to stack up at the same time that our tax revenue declines. This has led the government to borrow obscene amounts of money from the federalnl reserve. It has gotten so bad that the government shuts down if it cannot borrow again, and the federal reserve cannot raise interest rates without the entire economy nosediving. You could point to a graph of tax revenue over time and think that it has gone up, and it has in nominal terms. But look at a graph of the purchasing power of the dollar over time. Its confetti. The number looks bigger because the dollars are shredded into smaller pieces and still referred to as dollars.

>In America you must work for your money
That only applies to white men.

Our economy is in such bad shape right now that its about to crash if the federal reserve raises the interest rate to half a percent. It recently raised it to a quarter of a percent and things got wobbly. And you want a raise? Thats the funniest thing about this pickle we're in. You NEED a raise. Your wage is no longer too low, it's now nothing. And this is completely due to the government spending too much money. The government created this problem and it tells you to blame corporations, other countries, and even a respiratory virus. The government has been the one fucking you the entire time, and guess what the solution is? Send you a stimulus check. Subsidize your rent. Subsidize your food. Subsidize an electric car. The government's solution to the problem they caused by overspending is to spend even more. In other words, they are fucking you harder. Their other solutions are a gas tax holiday and holding interest on student loans, which are too sources of government revenue. So how exactly will that help? It won't.

you got zogged, BAM, PEASE.