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>Rising gas prices are a good thing since I can afford it!
Liberal logic.

I can't and I wish I owned a boat, and a truck.

You wouldn't believe how much gas I use listening to Van Halen

Why does the atheist community suppport Ukraine so much? What do they think they are going to get out of it?

Whats wrong with sailing you city slicker?

This is an absolutely amazing transition for leftists, they now fully support the government, the media, and capitalist corporations.

Granted the average person on the street has an IQ of a fuckin shrimp, but god damn how far things have 180'd in recent history.

cities have lakes the size of your state, sweaty

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“Can’t afford” or is it “why the fuck is has $5, this is stupid”

Imagine supporting increased prices. Shut the fuck up, retarded NPC tool

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Cia made memes are the worst memes

The person this represents seems fun to be around unlike a libtard.

same as it ever was
same as it ever was

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I blast 'panama' while rolling coal in my lifted ram 3500 past bicyclists.

this image gets funnier and funnier every time it's posted here

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$9 per gallon over here. Literally choosing fuel over food so I can get to work and pay the bills...

those dudes can definitely afford it. they can't afford it when the prices are low and their oil jobs dry up. you tried.

useless skill, like coal miners

Regardless of what this mean is meant to show, whats the issue? This guy seems fun to be around. I'd love to spend a weekend fishing, drinking, and shooting with him

profitable, unlike coal miners. try again.

When we had %1.50/gallon gas before Biden, yes $5/gallon gas is going to make me a bit irritated.

You fucking rednecks and this fixation on trucks. This is you in a nutshell
>*breathes through mouth*
>*waddles to his luxury pick up truck*
>*orders at mcdonalds*
>*devours weeks worth of calories in a single sitting*
>*gets shot by the police*
>*gets thrown out of the ambulance because goldberstein & sons insurance incorporated plan doesn't cover injuries resulting from resisting arrest*

You fuckin liberal faggots and your hatred of the pickup truck. What are you afraid of getting shit done in the world's most utilitarian vehicle or something? kys.