How many times did Russia try to invade Romania ?

12 times. Get it now ?

Pentru toti fratii mei romani, care e putinist si nu stie istorie, sa ti-o ia rusii-n pula pe ma-ta

Attached: 2dd.png (750x422, 128.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Italian,_and_English_loanwords

shew shew gypsy

Romanians are banned from making threads AGAIN.


numai voi boomerilor care tineti cu rusii sunteti banati
ma sugi de pula

What would they want with this gipsynigger shithole

go fuck your self ivan

after ukraine, romania is the next biggest grain producer, hmm
why is your family genetic retards, answer this

nu numai boomerii tin, ca noi nici nu am avut categoria asta
mai sunt si zoomerii , din astia avem destui, si sunt o gramada de neo marxisti
mai ca jur ca ar merita sa ies intr-o zi cu bata pe strada si sa dau in stanga si-n dreapta
BTW. a fost miting anti razboi la Casa Popoului ieri, era plin de niste fosile decazute si muieri schizofrenice, pancarde cu 5g, etc etc

Zoomeri prosti sa stea in banca lor pana nu incep sa aia capace de la millenials

bump, puie mutin

don't let this thread slide, bump

Russia never invaded Romania
They liberated you from the ottomans
Liberated you from Austria Hungarians
Liberated you from Germans
gave you back Transylvania

Romania used to use the Cyrillic alphabet and the official language was Church Slavic (Russian). Romania will soon return to the Russian sphere of influence , you say Da to mean yes and the most famous Romanians have Russian names like Vadim


Everything I said was factually correct, my Slavic brother.

"During the 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, Romania refused to take part in the operations, and Ceaușescu publicly condemned the actions of the other member states of the pact. The Romanian forces essentially quit participating in joint Warsaw Pact field exercises in the late 1960s. At the same time, Ceaușescu announced that Romania would no longer put the Romanian People's Army under the Warsaw Pact's joint command, even during peacetime maneuvers."

At this time, every other army in the Warsaw pact was at our country borders. Ceausescu pussied out and changed his speech, but in fact he had no choice otherwise we would've been invaded by russians, hungarians, bulgarians and serbians


>Romania used to use the Cyrillic alphabet and the official language was Church Slavic (Russian). Romania will soon return to the Russian sphere of influence , you say Da to mean yes and the most famous Romanians have Russian names like Vadim

Romania does not use a cyrilic alphabet, it was only used in church writings due to the fact it 's the same eastern orthodoxy
We are a Latin nation and we speak a Latin language , most similar to Latin after Italian



you used the slavic alphabet for most of your history. the first instances of the romanian language were written down in the Cyrilic alphabet like Neancus letter.

Your language was 80% slavic but in the 19th century you removed many of them and replaced slavic words with french/spanish/italian loanwords

Your mentality is slavic, your culture is slavic, you are our Slavic brothers and sisters. the only difference is your language

If you are Latin, why do you say DA to mean yes?

Romania has a Latin alphabet since 1860s. Older than many countries around.
Like i said, the kyrilic one was used in church, fact is in the middle ages , only the church used to write anything.
>Your language was 80% slavic
>Your mentality is slavic, your culture is slavic
I would say it's balkanoid, not slavic.
> Slavic brothers
go fuck yourself, we are not your brothers

Bro i prefer to be called a gypsy or a roach than a s*av nigger

>history began in 1860
the cyrilic one was the official alphabet of romania until the 19th century, before that you only used cyrilic

>go fuck yourself, we are not your brothers
you have slavic culture, mentality, language
even your land is slavic
Cluj comes from Slaic Kluž because Slavs were the first people in Romania

>I said
>Different ID

You're the hungarian nigger seething endlessly at us
The seething won't stop

Attached: 1641047716107.png (659x705, 330.06K)

not VPN, i was phoneposting

>everyone I dont like is a Hungarian
they, like you, are slavs in denial

>Cluj comes from Slaic Kluž
are you realistically retarded ? that's a hungarian word, I'm not ashamed to admit it, Cluj name is hungarian

>>history began in 1860
No, but before that many people were illiterate. Like they were in your own shithole

>you have slavic culture, mentality, language
Because a slav says so. Wtf do you know about romania ?

>The lexical similarity of Romanian with Italian has been estimated at 77%, followed by French at 75%, Sardinian 74%, Catalan 73%, Portuguese and Rhaeto-Romance 72%, Spanish 71%
> words of Slavic origin constituting about 10–15% of modern Romanian lexicon,[

Cluj doesnt mean anything in Hungarian.
Kluž is old slavic for river/stream which is what Cluj is built next to.

>>The lexical similarity of Romanian with Italian has been estimated at 77%, followed by French at 75%, Sardinian 74%, Catalan 73%, Portuguese and Rhaeto-Romance 72%, Spanish 71%
>> words of Slavic origin constituting about 10–15% of modern Romanian lexicon,[
this is TODAY
in the past majority of your vocabulary was slavic

from your own wiki link

>The re-latinization of Romanian (also known as re-romanization) was the strengthening of the Romance features of the Romanian language during the 18th and 19th centuries. In this period, Romanian adopted a Latin-based alphabet to replace Cyrillic script and borrowed many words from French as well as from Latin and Italian, in order to acquire the lexical tools necessary for modernization. This process coined words for recently introduced objects or concepts (neologisms), added Latinate synonyms for some Slavic and other loanwords, and strengthened some Romance syntactic features.

>Cluj doesnt mean anything in Hungarian
Because names must mean something , no other way
> The modern city of Cluj-Napoca was founded by German settlers as Klausenburg in the 13th Century. The name "Napoca" was added to the traditional Romanian city name "Cluj" by dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu in 1974 as a means of asserting Romanian claims to the region on the basis of the theory of Daco-Roman Continuity.

>not latin
We have 77% similarity with Italian. That is that. Get over it.

>We have 77% similarity with Italian. That is that. Get over it.
after re-latinaization
you literally took words from italian and put them into your language,_Italian,_and_English_loanwords
>It was estimated that about 38% of words in Romanian are of French and/or Italian origin (in many cases both languages);

>Because names must mean something , no other way
yeah, all real toponyms are named after something
people dont just make up words randomly, retard